September 23, 1822
Articles of a treaty Made and concluded at Green Bay, in the Territory of Michigan, between Uhhaunowwaunmut, alias Solomon U. Hendrick, Waunnacon, alias John W. Quinney, Wenowwommaug, alias Abner W. Hendrick, and Owwohthommaug, alias Sampson, deputies authorized and empowered to represent the Muhheconnuk or Stockbridge nation or tribe of Indians of the State of New York; Keniegowa, alias John August, Tekarihonentee, alias Neddy Atsiguet, deputed, authorized, and empowered, to represent the first Christian party of the Oneida nation of Indians in the State of New York; Sagowitha, alias Jonathan Printup, a deputy authorized and empowered to represent the Tuscarora nation or tribe of Indians in the State of New York; Onwerenhicaki, alias Eleazer ·Williams, a deputy authorized and empowered to represent the St. Regis nation or tribe of Indians in the State of New York; Waulauque Koh, alias Last Night, a deputy from the Munsee nation, and the chiefs and head-men of the Menomonie nation of Indians, residing in the vicinity of Green Bay aforesaid, this twenty-third day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two.
ART. 1.
The Menomonie nation of Indians, in consideration of the stipulations herein made on the part of the Muhheconnuk or Stockbridge, and the first Christian party of the Oneida, and the Tuscarora, and the St. Regis and Munsee nations, do hereby cede release and quitclaim to them, the people of the said Stockbridge, Oneida, Tuscarora, St. Regis, and Munsee nations, for ever, all the right, title, interest, and claim of them, the Menomonie nation of Indians, to all the lands and islands comprehended within and described by the following boundaries, viz: Beginning at the foot of the rapids on Fox river, usually called the Grand Kaccalin; thence, southeast ( or on the lower line of the lands last season ceded by the Menomonie and Winnebago nations of Indians, to the Six Nations, St. Regis, Stockbridge, and Munsee nations), to or equidistant with the Manawahkia river, emptying into Lake Michigan; thence on an easterly course to and down said river to its mouth; thence northerly on the borders of Lake Michigan to and across the mouth of Green bay, so as to include all the islands of the Grand Traverse; thence from the mouth of Green bay aforesaid, a northwesterly course to a place on the northwest shore of Lake Michigan, generally known and distinguished by the name of Weyohquatonk by the Indians and Bay-de-Noque by the French; thence, a westerly course on the height of land separating the waters running into Lake Superior and those running into Lake Michigan to the head of the Menomonie river; thence, continuing nearly the same course until it strikes the northeastern boundary line of the lands ceded as aforesaid by the Menomonie and Winnebago nations to the Six Nations, St. Regis, Stockbridge, and Munsee nations of Indians, in eighteen hundred and twenty-one; thence, southerly to the place of beginning.
ART. 2.
The Stockbridge, Oneida, Tuscarora, St. Regis, and Munsee nations aforesaid, do promise and agree to and with the said Menomonies, that they, the said Menomonies, shall have the free permission and privilege of occupying and residing upon the lands herein ceded in common with them, the Stockbridge, Oneida, Tuscarora, St. Regis, and Munsee nations: provided, nevertheless, that they, the Menomonie nation, shall not in any manner infringe upon any settlements or improvements whatever which may be in any manner made by the said Stockbridge, Oneida, Tuscarora, St. Regis, or Munsee nations.
ART. 3.
The Stockbridge, Oneida, Tuscarora, St. Regis, and Munsee nations, do further promise and agree, to and with the said Menomonies, that according to their request, all the French and other inhabitants who have just and lawful claims to, and are now settled and living upon any lands herein ceded, shall remain unmolested by them, the said Stockbridges, Oneidas, Tuscaroras, St. Regis, or Munsees. It is also expressly understood by the Stockbridge, Oneida, Tuscarora, St. Regis, and Munsee nations, that the Menomonies do not herein cede to them, the Stockbridge, Oneida, Tuscarora, St. Regis, and Munsee nations, any lands in the vicinity of Fort Howard, or near the mouth of Fox river, the title of which may have been heretofore extinguished by the American Government.
ART. 4.
In consideration of the cession herein made by the Menomonies the Stockbridge, and Munsee nation of Indians aforesaid, have, by the hand,of their deputies, paid to the chiefs and head-men of the Menomonie nation, this day, the sum of one thousand dollars in goods, in full of all demands in this treaty on their part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by the Menomonie nation. And the Oneida, Tuscarora, and St. Regis nations of Indians, do promise and agree, to and with the Menomonie nation, to pay to them, the Menomonies, the sum of one thousand dollars in one year from the date hereof, and also one thousand dollars in two years from the date hereof; the whole to be paid in goods; the which respective sums are to be a full and complete recompense and compensation for the lands hereby ceded, released and quitclaimed to the Stockbridge, Oneida, Tuscarora, St. Regis, and Munsee nations.
In testimony whereof, the said deputies, and the said chiefs and headmen, have hereunto set their hands and seals, at the place and on the day and year above written.
Witness, John Sergeant, jr., agent on the part of the Government of the United States.
Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of:
N. Pinckney, col. 3d reg. inf.
J. Bliss, capt. 3d reg. inf.
B. Babren, maj. U. S. army.
J. Nelson, capt. U. S. army.
Thomas C. Legate, capt. U. S. art’y.
Henry B. Loring, lieut.
Benj. Walker, lt. U. S. army.
S. Cowan, lt. inf.
Geo. Wright, U. S. army.
Menomonie chiefs.
Ohgummonnekun, his mark x, or Great Wave.
The Spaniard, his mark x.
Pohmonikoht, his mark x.
Saghkittoht, his mark x, the Pheasant.
Wyhnisaught, his mark x, Yellow Dog.
Pyaughkeenagh, his mark x, the Tower.
Wyghtchunequagh, his mark x, the Rubber.
Wypuhkauchywen, his mark x, End of the Rapids.
Chishawinohnitch, his mark x, South Bag.
Theykaughong, his mark x, Scare-all.
Uhhaunowwaunmut, alias Solomon U. Hendrick.
Waunnaucon, alias John W. Quinney.
Wenowwommnaug, alias Abner W. Hendrick.
Owwohthommaug, alias Sampson.
Waulauquokoh, his mark x, alias Last Night.
Keniakowa, his mark x, alias John August.
Tegairhontia, his mark x, Neddy Atsiguet.
Sagowisha, his mark x, alias Jonathan Printup.
Eleazer Williams.