Treaty with the Shoshone, 1866

Treaty with the Shoshone, 1866

Articles of Agreement and convention made and concluded on the Go. hoffer or Bruneau River in the Territory of Idaho this 12th day of April A.D. 1866 by Caleb Lyon of Lyonsdale, Governor and Superintendent of Indian Affairs for the said territory, on the part of the United States and the undersigned Chiefs and head men of the Bands of Sho sho nees occupying & claiming certain lands south of the Sho sho nee River between Salmon Falls and the mouth of the Ouyhee, and extending south to the summits of the Goose Creek and Ouyhee range of Mountains.

Article 1st.

The said tribes and bands of Indians hereby cede and relinquish and convey to the United States, all their right, title, and interest in and to the following lands and country occupied by them, bounded and described as follows, viz: commencing at the mouth of Goose Creek and extending on the south bank of the Sho sho nee River to the mouth of the Ouyhee, thence along the summit of the Ouyhee Mountains and the Goose Creek range to where Goose Creek crosses the summit of said range.

Article 2nd.

There is however reserved for the present use and occupation of the said tribes and bands the following tract of land, viz: commencing on the Sho sho nee River at Bash-ho-no-pee or Dry Creek Cañon & extending from thence to the mouth of the Cañon on Bruneau or Go hoffer River & thence to the mouth of the Pir- quo-a-ho-ni for Castle Creek, thence extending south to the crest of the Ouyhee Mountains thence along the summit of said range known east of the Bruneau River as the Goose Creek Mountains to where Bash-ho-no-pee or Dry Creek Cañon pierces said range thence down said Dry Creek Cañon to the place of beginning, and said tract shall be surveyed and marked out for their exclusive use, nor shall any White man be permitted to reside upon the same without permission of said tribes and of the Superintendent or Agent; but if necessary for the public convenience, right of way may be granted through said reservation, but when roads are run, the Indians shall be compensated for any damage done thereby. It is understood however that should the President of the United States hereafter see fit to place upon the same reservation any other friendly tribes or bands to occupy the same in common with those above mentioned he shall be at liberty to do so.

Article 3rd.

The right of taking fish in the Sho sho nee or Snake River at their accustomed grounds and stations is further secured to said Indians in common with all citizens of the United States together with the privelige of hunting and gathering roots on open and unclaimed lands. In consideration of the above cession the United States agree to pay the said tribes and bands the sum of $80,000, that is to say as follows, Thirty (30) thousand dollars to be expended under the direction of the President of the United States the first year after the ratification of this treaty, in providing for breaking up and fencing farms, building houses, and purchasing stock, agricultural implements &c, and for such other objects as he may deem necessary, and the remainder in annuities as follows: the first 5 years after the ratification of this treaty, Six thousand dollars each year and for the next five years, four thousand dollars each year. All of said sums for annuity shall be expended for the benefit of said tribes and bands of Indians under the direction of the President of the United States.

Article 4th.

The Annuities of the aforesaid tribes and bands shall not be taken to pay the debts of individuals.

Article 5th.

The said tribes and bands of Indians acknowledge their dependence on the Government of the United States and promise to be friendly with all the citizens thereof, and they pledge themselves to commit no depredations on the property of said citizens, and should any one or more of them violate this pledge and the fact be satisfactorily proven before the Agent, the property taken shall be returned, or in default thereof compensation may be made by the Government out of their Annuities. Nor will they make war upon any other tribe or tribes of Indians except in self defence, but will submit all matters of difference between them and other Indians to the Government of the United States, or its Agent for decision and abide thereby, and the said tribes agree not to shelter nor conceal offenders against the United States, but deliver them up for trial by the authorities.

Article 6th.

It shall be a punishable offence to bring ardent spirits upon the Reservation.

Article 7th. The United States further agree to establish an Agency within one year from the ratification hereof, between the first & second Cañon in Harlan Valley, (Bruneau or Go-hoffer River) and to support for the period of twenty years an Agricultural & Industrial School which shall be free to the children of said tribes and of other tribes that may he removed hither, and to provide suitable teachers therefor, To provide for a Blacksmith and Carpenter shop & furnish them with the necessary tools stocks &c. A farmer, & a Physician & necessary medicines. All of the employees are to reside upon the reservation. The expenses to be defrayed by the United States and not to be deducted from their annuities.

This treaty shall be obligatory on the contracting parties as soon as the same shall be ratified by the President of the United States.

In testimony whereof, I Caleb Lyon ofLyonsdale Governor & Supt of Indians, and the undersigned Chiefs and head men of the aforesaid tribes and Bands of Indians, have hereunto set their hands & seals at the place & on the day and year hereinbefore written.

Caleb Lyon of Lyonsdale
Gov. & Supt of Indian Affairs for I.T.

Wa-ye-no, Chief (The good Man), his x mark [L. S.]
Tcho-wom-ba-ca, Chief (The biting Bear), his x mark [L. S.]
Peo-wurr, Sub-Chief (Always ready), his x mark [L. S.]
Zigen-dir (The Rainbow), his x mark [L. S.]
Poa-wedo (Hooting Owl), his x mark [L. S.]
To-say-a-wind (The Singing Swan), his x mark [L. S.]
Pau-wa-cova (Break Water), his x mark [L. S.]
Tate-see-gah (Squirrel of the Rock), his x mark [L. S.]
Pee-ah-supp (Big Billy), his x mark [L. S.]
Dup-u-ogan (Arrow Maker), his x mark [L. S.]
Ott-so-bono-giek (The painted Man), his x mark [L. S.]
Patt-see (Looks like a Woman), his x mark [L. S.]
Wah-hah-nett-see (The Fox), his x mark [L. S.]
Hi-ni-mah (Antelope hunter), his x mark [L. S.]
Oh-uahss (The Sucker), his x mark [L. S.]
Po-itt-see (The Wild duck), his x mark [L. S.]
Tosom-em-bumbec-nat (No White hair), his x mark [L. S.]
Tim-bitt-see (Solid as a Rock), his x mark [L. S.]
Zeeto-o-hah-nee (The Man who courts a girl), his x mark [L. S.]
Waah-obb (Ax Eater), his x mark [L. S.]
Loh-nat-see (Little knee), his x mark [L. S.]
Coo-coo-choo-att (Bearded chin), his x mark [L. S.]
Puh-hone-gunt (Tobacco Man), his x mark [L. S.]
Tan-o-dande (Mountain sheep slayer), his x mark [L. S.]
Mo-jo-ho-jo-atess (Smooth Face), his x mark [L. S.]
P-yo-yate-see (Little buck), his x mark [L. S.]
Hoh-jo (Sage Hen), his x mark [L. S.]
Lzame-nant (Limb breaker), his x mark [L. S.]
Ah-dah (The good Father), his x mark [L. S.]
Wo-to-ue-lee (The Striker), his x mark [L. S.]
Poo-he-wah (The little fish), his x mark [L. S.]
Pade-pee-gunt (Girl looking), his x mark [L. S.]
Lew-chew-chew-tame (Dies but not tires), his x mark [L. S.]
Pan-doo-gon-hee (Fish-catcher), his x mark [L. S.]
On-din-go-shoee (Little Beard), his x mark [L. S.]
Peo-peo-wah (Striped squirrel), his x mark [L. S.]
Tm-bids-e-curr (Rock breaker), his x mark [L. S.]
To-gott-see (Mountain sheeps lamb), his x mark [L. S.]
To-guoo (Rattlesnake), his x mark [L. S.]
Pan-a-meatzee (Sun flower), his x mark [L. S.]
Wnew-gunt (Low forhead), his x mark [L. S.]
To-see-ouer (The white cup), his x mark [L. S.]


L. H. Marshall, Major 14th U.S. Infantry Com. Dist. of Boise
Hiram Hamilton, Pastor of Baptist Church
Newton Northaire, Special Agent
J. Jennings
J. B. Wallace
G. E. McCaudlys, Interpreter