Treaty with the Seneca, 1802

Treaty with the Seneca, 1802

August 20,1802

At a treaty held at the city of Albany in the State of New York, on the 20th day of August,1802, with the Seneca Nation of Indians, by their Sachems, Chiefs and Warriors, whose names are hereunto subscribed and seals are affixed, duly deputed, authorized and empowered by the said Seneca Nation of Indians, for the purpose.

Present. John Tayler, Commissioner appointed under the authority of the United States to hold the treaty, and His Excellency George Clinton, Esquire, Governor of the said State of New York.

The said Seneca Nation of Indians, by their said Sachems, Chiefs and Warriors, agreeably to the authority in them vested by said Nation, for the consideration hereinafter mentioned, do sell, cede, release and quit-claim to the People of the State of New York, all that tract of land one mile wide on the Niagara river, extending from Buffalo to Stedman's Farm, including Black Rock, and bounded Westward by the shore or waters of said river, And said Seneca Nation of Indians reserving to themselves nevertheless, the right and privilege of encamping their fishing parties on the beach of said river for the purpose of fishing, which is the common right of both parties, and to be enjoyed without hindrance or interruption from either; and while there encamped to use the drift wood for fuel but not to trespass on or injure the proprietor or proprietors of the adjacent lands. The said Seneca Nation of Indians reserving also to itself the right (which they now enjoy) of passing the ferry across said Niagara river, at or near Black Rock or at such other place in the vicinity where such ferry may hereafter be established, and kept, free of ferriage or toll at all seasonable times when the boats are crossing with other passengers or freight. And the said George Clinton, Governor, aforesaid, doth for the People of the said State of New York pay to the said Seneca Nation of Indians the sum of $200.00; and doth grant to the said Indians that the People of the said State of New York shall pay to them or their order at the city of Albany the further sum of $5,800.00; and also to the value of $500.00 of chintz, calico and other goods suitable for their women on the 15th day of February now next ensuing, in full of the purchase money for the said tract of land.

And the said Governor doth further grant to the said Indians that the People of the said State of New York, out of the lands above described and hereby ceded to them, shall grant to Jasper Parrish, and to his heirs and assigns forever one mile square, to begin at the mouth of a creek known by the name of Scoyguquoides creek, nearly opposite the head of Grand Isle on the easterly side of the waters of the outlet of Lake Erie and to run from thence up the said creek, as it winds easterly to the line of Massachusetts pre-emption; thence along the same northerly one mile; thence westerly to the waters of the said outlet, and thence along the same to the place of beginning. And also to Horatio Jones and to his heirs and assigns forever one mile square, to begin at the most easterly corner of the above described lot in the line of Massachusetts pre-emption and to run from thence along the same northerly one mile; then westerly to the waters of the outlet of Lake Erie; thence along the same to the northerly corner of the aforesaid lot; and thence along the northerly bounds thereof, to the place of beginning.

And the said Governor, at the request of said Indians expressed by their Chiefs and Warriors, and from a desire of accommodating them, doth engage that it shall be recommended to the Legislature to provide by law for the passing of said Seneca and other Indians of the said Six Nations on their own proper business on and along any turnpike road which may be hereafter established for the Town of Canadarque to Buffalo Creek or its vicinity, or over any bridge that may be erected between those places, toll free.

In testimony whereof, the said Commissioner, the said Governor and the said Chiefs and Warriors of said Seneca Nation of Indian, have hereunto and to other acts of the same tenor and date, the one to remain with the United States, another to remain with the State of New York, and another to remain with the said Indians, set their hands and seals at the City of Albany aforesaid, the day and year first above written.