Treaty with the Pembina and Red Lake Chippewa, 1851


Treaty with the Pembina and Red Lake Chippewa, 1851

September 20, 1851

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at Pembina, in the Territory of Minnesota, on the twentieth day of September, eighteen hundred and fifty-one (1851) between the United States of America, by Alexander Ramsey, governor and ex officio Superintendent of Indian affairs in said Territory, commissioner duly appointed for that purpose, and the Chippeways of Pembina and Red Lake, owning the country on the Red River of the North.

Article I.

The peace and friendship existing between the United States and the Chippeways of Pembina and Red Lake shall be perpetual.

Article II.

The said Chippeways of Pembina and Red Lake do hereby cede and relinquish all their lands and all their right, title and claim to any lands whatever lying within the following described boundaries, to wit: Beginning on the east bank of the Red River of the north where it is intersected by the international boundary line; thence east along said line thirty miles; thence southwardly in a direct line to strike the Buffalo river "halfway from its source to its mouth;" thence along said river to its mouth; thence northwardly by the west bank of Red river, to the mouth of Goose river, up said river to its most westwardly source, following the south branch thereof; thence northwardly in a direct line to strike a point on the international boundary line five miles west of the Grand Cotê; and thence east to the place of beginning.

Article III.

In full consideration of said cession and relinquishment, the United States agree to pay to said Indians the sums following, to wit:

1st. To the chiefs of said bands for the purpose of making provision for their relatives of mixed blood, and to enable them to arrange their affairs (as soon as practicable after the appropriation of the same by Congress,) the sum of thirty thousand dollars.

2d. For twenty years, the sum of ten thousand dollars per annum: Provided, that so much of this sum as the President of the United States shall direct, not exceeding per year two thousand dollars, may be reserved and applied to agricultural, educational, and such other beneficial purposes calculated to promote the prosperity and happiness of said Indians as he may prescribe.

Article IV.

It is hereby agreed that the lands claimed by either of the bands, parties to this treaty, shall be held in common, and that said lands as well as the benefits derived from all treaty stipulations shall be enjoyed in common with other bands of Chippeways, whenever the United States shall secure from such bands a reciprocal arrangement.

Article V.

The laws of the United States prohibiting the introduction and sale of spirituous liquors in the Indian country shall be in full force and effect throughout the territory hereby ceded, until otherwise directed by Congress or the President of the United States.

Article VI.

Rules and regulations to protect the rights of persons and property among the Indians parties to this treaty, and adapted to their condition and wants, may be prescribed and enforced in such manner as the President or the Congress of the United States from time to time shall direct.

In witness whereof, the said Alexander Ramsey, commissioner on the part of the United States, and the chiefs, headmen and braves of the Chippeways of Pembina and Red lake, have hereunto set their hands, at Pembina, in the Territory of Minnesota, this twentieth day of September, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one.

Alex Ramsey,

Chief: Kah-wah-shkee-nee-kay, (The Crooked or Broken Arm) his x mark.


Gwee-wee-zhahnsh-eesh, (Little Bad Boy) his x mark.
Zhah-bo-kah-mee-geeshk-kun, (Passing through the Earth) his x mark.
Chief: Zhow-ozh-ko-go-nay-bee, ("Yellow Feather," or Little Chief of Pembina) his x mark.


Ah-skoag, his x mark.
Zhow-ozh-ko-go-nay-bee, ("Yellow Feather," or Split Bottom) his x mark.
Ah-bway-kwah-ung. (He the Returning Thunder) his x mark.
Chief Mo-so-mo, (Moose Dung) his x mark.


Sah-bee-toan, his x mark.
Ee-tah-wah-nah-kwahd, (The clouds on each side) his x mark.
Chief: Ay-see-nee-wahb, ("Sitting Stone," or Little Rock) his x mark.


Sah-wah-bee-kwah-ung, (Yellow Sounding Thunder) his x mark.
Chief: Kwee-wee-ay, ("Little Boy," or Little Thunder) his x mark.


Nah-gah-nee-gwah-nay-bee, (The forward setting feather) his x mark.
Jean Battiste Wilkie, President of Council of Half Breeds, his x mark.

In presence of:

Thomas Foster, Secretary.
James Tanner, Interpreter.
Joseph Nolen, his x mark.
François Reinville, his x mark.
Charles Hool, his x mark.
Robert Montour, his x mark.
Antoine Auzure, his x mark.
Baptiste Vallee, his x mark.
Joseph Reichardt, his x mark.
Joseph Laverdure, his x mark.
Pierre Bontineau, his x mark.
Baptiste La Roche, his x mark.
Council and principal men of the Half Breeds.
Jas. L. Corley, 2d Lieut. 6th infantry, U.S. Army.
Norman W. Kittson.
D. Geo. Morrison.
Charles Cavilew, Collector and Inspector, &c.
Jos. Rolette.
S. F. Brown.
Hugh Tyler.
Jas. R. Lord.
J. P. Bardwell.
Richard W. Lee.
S. G. Wright.