Treaty with the Oneida, 1802

Treaty with the Oneida, 1802

June 4, 1802

At a Treaty held with the Oneida nation or tribe of Indians, at their village in the State of New York, on the fourth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two.

Present, John Tayler, Esq. agents appointed under the authority of the United States, to hold the treaty, and Ezra L'Hommedieu and Simeon DeWitt, agents for the State of New York. The said Indians having, by their sachems, chiefs, and warriors, in the month of March last, proposed to the Governor of the said State, to cede the lands hereinafter described, for the compensation hereinafter mentioned; and the said Governor, together with the surveyor-general of the said State, and Ezra L'Hommedieu, Esq. an agent appointed by the said Governor, pursuant to concurrent resolutions of the Senate and Assembly of the said State ,bearing date the 23d and 24th days of February last, having acceded to the proposal of the said sachems, chiefs, and warriors, and on the 5th day of the said month of March, executed a provisional agreement with them, for the cession and purchase of the same, and advanced to them, at their desire, in part payment of the said compensation, three hundred dollars, to answer the immediate occasions of the said Indians; the said cession is,thereupon,in the presence, and with the approbation of the said commissioner, carried into effect at this treaty, which hath, on the request of the said Governor, been appointed to beheld for the purpose, as follows, that is to say:

The said agents do, for the People of the State of New York, in conformity to the said provisional agreement, pay to the said Indians, in addition to the said sum of three hundred dollars, already advanced to them as above mentioned, the further sum of six hundred dollars, and do grant to the said Indians, that the People of the said State shall, annually, forever hereafter, on such day and place, as are, or shall be appointed for the payment of other Annuities to the said Indians, pay to the said Indians the sum of three hundred dollars. And the said agents do further grant to the said Indians, that the People of the State of New York, out of the lands above described, and hereby ceded to them, shall grant to Sarah Dockstader, one hundred acres, to Belaid out in square, adjoining the “Two mile tract," on the road commonly called Klock's road, as the said one hundred acres shall be laid out by order of the surveyor-general, with the approbation of the said Sarah, to be held to her during her natural life, and thereafter to her heirs in fee; and also, to Michael Kern, one hundred and fifty acres, so as to include the house in which he now resides, with the other improvements made by him around the same.

In testimony whereof, the said commissioner, the said agents, and the said Indians, have hereunto, and to other acts of the same tenor and date, the one to remain with the United States, another to remain with the state of New York, and another to remain with the said Indians, set their hands and seals, at the village afore said, the day and year first above written.