Treaty with the Cherokee, 1807

Treaty with the Cherokee, 1807

December 2, 1807

Articles of a Treaty between the United States of America, by their commissioner Return J.Meigs,who was appointed to hold a conference with the Cherokees, for the purpose of purchasing a tract of land, a site for iron works, and at the mouth of Chickamauga creek, on the south side of Tennessee.

Whereas it has been represented to the chiefs and warriors of said nation, that such a site would be desirable both for the United States and the Cherokee nation, and to their mutual advantage, the chiefs and warriors have agreed to, and sold to the United States, six miles square, at the mouth of Chickamauga creek, on the south side of Tennessee, and to be laid off in a square tract, so as to include the creek to the best advantage for said site.

Art. 2.

And it is further agreed, that the United States shall pay the Cherokee nation, the sum of five thousand dollars, so soon as the said treaty shall be ratified, and one thousand bushels of corn: Provided, nevertheless, That, if the iron ore should fail within said limits ceded to the United States, then, and in that case, the United States shall have full liberty to get ore off their land in the most suitable place.

In testimony whereof, the undersigned commissioner, and the chiefs and warriors of the Cherokee nation, have set their hands and seals.

Done at Hiwasee, this second day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven.

GLASS, [ L. S. ]
And other chiefs.