Treaty with the Brule and Oglala Sioux, 1866


Treaty with the Brule and Oglala Sioux, 1866

Articles of a Treaty made and concluded at Fort Laramie in the Territory of Dakotah with and between Edward B. Taylor Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Robt. N. McLaren, Thomas Wistar, and Colonel Henry E. Maynadier, Commissioners on the part of the Government of the United States, duly appointed by the President for that purpose and the undersigned Chiefs and Headmen of the Upper Brulé and Ogallalla Bands of Dakota or Sioux Indians.

Article I.

The Brulé and Ogallalla bands of Dakota or Sioux Indians represented in Council hereby acknowledge themselves to be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction and authority of the United States and hereby obligate and bind themselves individually and collectively not only to cease all hostilities against the persons and property of its citizens, to live hereafter in peace and amity, but to use their influence in inducing other neighboring tribes to maintain peaceful relations with each other and with the United States.

Article II.

Should any differences arise between the said Brulé and Ogallalla bands of Dakota or Sioux Indians, involving the question of peace and war with other Indians, the same shall be submitted for the arbitrament of the President of the United States or such person or persons as may be appointed by him, and the decision then made is to be faithfully observed by said bands represented in Council.

Article III.

The said bands represented in Council, shall withdraw from the routes overland already established, or hereafter to be established, through their country; and in consideration thereof the government of the United States agree to pay to the said bands the sum of seventy thousand dollars, annually, for twenty years, the same to be apportioned among the bands, parties to this Treaty, as follows:

To the Brulé Band thirty-five thousand dollars;
To the Ogallalla Band thirty-five thousand dollars;

payable in such articles as the Secretary of the Interior may direct: Provided, that the said bands shall faithfully conform to the provisions of this Treaty.

Article IV.

Should any individual or individuals or part of the different bands and tribes represented in Council desire to locate on any lands claimed by the said bands or tribes for the purpose of agriculture, it is hereby agreed by the parties to this Treaty that the same shall be protected in such location and pursuit, against any interference on the part of the whites or Indians, and whenever at least twenty five lodges or families of any or either of the bands or tribes so represented shall have so located on lands for agricultural purposes, and signified the same to the Agent or Superintendent, they as well as other lodges or families so locating shall receive the sum of one hundred and twenty five dollars, payable as follows: fifty dollars for the first year after such location, and twenty five dollars, in annual payments for three successive years thereafter, the same to be invested in the purchase of teams necessary for farming purposes, agricultural implements, seeds, and such other articles as the Secretary of the Interior may determine. And whenever one hundred lodges or families shall have so engaged in Agricultural pursuits, they shall be entitled to a farmer, and a blacksmith at the expense of the Government, as also teachers for such schools as may be required for the education of their children, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior.

Article V.

The aforesaid bands, parties hereto do hereby agree and bind themselves to make restitution or satisfaction for any wrongs committed after the signing of this Treaty by either of said bands or any member or members thereof against the life or property of any citizen of the United States whilst lawfully residing in or passing through the territory owned or claimed by them; and untill such restitution or satisfaction shall have been made as aforesaid the annuities hereinbefore provided for may be withheld in whole or in part at the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior.

Article VI.

It is further stipulated and agreed, that for the purpose of securing to the Bands represented in Council an honest and faithful distribution of the annuity goods provided for in the third article of this Treaty, one or more suitable persons, not exceeding three, shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, to be present at, and witness, and attest such distribution, in connection with the Agent in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty, such person or persons to make a full report of his or their action to the Secretary of the Interior, and to receive such compensation for said service, as he may prescribe not exceeding five dollars per day in addition to all necessary travelling expenses, the same to be paid from the Treasury of the United States.

In testimony whereof the Commissioners on the part of the United States and the Chiefs and Headmen of the said bands of Brules and Ogallallas have hereunto set their hands this the twenty seventh day of June eighteen hundred and sixty six after the contents had previously been read, interpreted and explained to the Chiefs and Headmen


Edward B. Taylor
Robert N. McLaren
Henry E. Maynadier
Col 5th US Vols.

Thomas Wistar
Commissioners of the part of the United States.


Chas. E. Bowles, Secretary
Frank Sehmio, Asst Secy
Vital Jarrot, U.S. Ind. Agent


Chief: Spotted Tail, Sin-ta-ga-les-ka his x mark
Chief: Swift Bear, Mato-luza his x mark
Chief: Dog Hawk, Chun-ka-che-tan his x mark
Chief: Hawk Thunder, Cha-tan-ha-ke-han his x mark
Chief. Standing Elk, E-Hak-kan-nange his x mark
Chief: Tall Mandan, Ma-Wah-tanni-han-ska his x mark
Chief: Brave Heart, Chan-ta-oh-he-ti-ka his x mark
Chief: White Tail, Sin-ta-ska his x mark


Chief: Big Mouth, He-ton-kah his x mark
Chief: The Man that walks under the ground, his x mark
Ma-kah-ma-ha- mani
Chief: The Black War Bonnet, Wah-pah-sah-pah his x mark
Chief: Standing Cloud, Mak-pe-ha-nan-zhe his x mark
Chief: Blue Horse, Chon-kah-kan-hi-to his x mark
Chief: Big Head, Nom-tah-hah

Signed in presence of:

Chas. E. Guern
Joseph Bissonnette
Jonas Borbeau
G. P. Beaurais


Jas. Van Voast, Major 18th Infty Comdg Post.
Homer Otis, Major 1st US Cav Bvt Col U.S.A.
R. H. Alexander, Surg. U.S.A.