Executive Order: Niobrara Reserve Changes


Executive Order: Niobrara Reserve Changes

August 31, 1869

Department of the Interior
Washington, D. C.

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs of the 28th instant, and accompanying papers, in relation to proposed changes in the Santee Sioux Indian Reservation, as therein suggested, and respectfully recommend that the President order the restoration to market of certain lands designated in the Commissioner's report, and the withdrawal from sale of the lands therein described.

With great respect, your obedient servant,

J. D. Cox, Secretary

August 31, 1869


The within recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior is hereby approved, and the necessary action will be taken to carry it into effect.

U. S. Grant

December 21, 1873

Executive Mansion

It is hereby ordered that Executive order, dated August 31, 1869, adding certain lands to the Santee Sioux Indian Reservation in Nebraska, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to except from the operation thereof lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 of section 32, township 33, range 4, previously patented to Thomas J. Quinn, on Sioux half-breed scrip No. 349 D.

U. S. Grant