Executive Order: Mission Indian Reserves

Executive Order: Mission Indian Reserves

Mission Indian Reserves
[In the Mission Tule Agency: twenty-two reserves: occupied by the Diegenes, Kawia, San Luis Rey, Serranos, and Temecula tribes: area, 282 square miles: established by Executive orders.]

January 27, 1870

Department of the Interior

The accompanying papers are respectfully submitted to the President, with the request that the following lands in California be set apart as reservations for the Mission Indians, in the southern portion of that State, being the San Pasqual and Paia Valleys, and recommended by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, viz: Townships 12 and 13 south, of ranges 1 east and 1 west, of the San Bernardino meridian, and township 9 south, of ranges 1 and 2 west, of the San Bernardino meridian.

With great respect, your obedient servant,

J. D. Cox, Secretary

January 31, 1870

Let the lands designated in the foregoing letter of the Secretary of the Interior be set apart as reservations for Indian purposes, as therein recommended.

U. S. Grant

February 13, 1871

Department of the Interior
Office of Indian Affairs
Washington, D. C.

SIR: I have the honor to call your attention to a report from this office, dated January 15, 1870, in which was inclosed a letter from J. B. McIntosh, Brevet Major-General U.S. Army, superintendent of Indian affairs for California, dated December 27, 1869, and report of Lieut. A. P. Greene, U. S. Army, agent for Mission Indians in southern California, dated Los Angeles, Cal., December 16, 1869, recommending that San Pasqual and Pala Valleys in southern California be set apart as reservations for the Mission Indians in said State.

In my report above referred to I recommend that the following-described lands should be set apart as reservations for said Indians, viz: Townships 12 and 13 south, of ranges 1 east and 1 west, and township 9 south, of ranges 1 and 2 west, of the San Bernardino meridian, California.

My recommendation meeting with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior was forwarded to the President, who, on the 31st of January, 1870, ordered that the above designated lands should be set apart as reservations for Indian purposes.

It appears from the papers transmitted herewith that the citizens of San Diego County protest against the order of the President setting apart said lands for Indian reservations; that the Indians are unanimously opposed to going on said reservations; that citizens have made valuable improvements thereon, and that there are but few Indians on the lands set apart as aforesaid; that recent gold discoveries have attracted a large immigration thither, and the opinion of the press, together with other evidence, would indicate that it would be for the best interests and welfare of the Indians, as well as others, that the order of the President setting apart said lands for Indian purposes should be revoked.

In view of these facts, I would therefore respectfully recommend that the order of the President be revoked, and that the aforesaid reservations be again restored to the public domain.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

E. S. Parker, Commissioner

[First Indorsement.]

February 15, 1871

Department of the Interior
Office of Indian Affairs

Commissioner transmits papers in reference to San Pasqual and Pala Valley Reservations in southern California, and recommends that the order of the President setting apart the same be revoked and the lands restored to the public domain.

[Second Indorsement.]

February 17, 1871

Department of the Interior

The within recommendation of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs is respectfully submitted to the President, with the request that the order of the Executive for the restoration to the public domain of the lands referred to be given.

C. Delano, Secretary of the Interior

February 17, 1871


U. S. Grant

December 27, 1875

Executive Mansion

It is hereby ordered that the following-described lands in the county of San Diego, Cal., viz, San Bernardino base and meridian:

Portrero—Including Rincon, Gapich, and La Jova, township 10 south, range 1 east, sections 16, 23, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, and fractional sections 17, 22, 27, 28, 29; township 10 south, range 2 east, sections 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34; township 11 south, range 1 east, sections 2, 3, and 4; township 9 south, range 2 east, sections 10, 11, 14, and 15;

Capistra Grande—Township 14 south, range 2 east, sections 25, 26, 27, 34, 35, and 36; township 14 south, range 3 east, sections 31 and 32; township 15 south, range 2 east, sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10;

Santa Ysabel—Including Mesa Grande, township 11 south, range 2 east, south half of section 21, northwest quarter, and east half of section 28, and sections 25, 26, and 27; township 11 south, range 3 east, sections 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 36, and fractional sections 29, 30, and 32; township 12 south, range 2 east, sections 3, 10, 14, 15, and fractional section 13; township 12 south, range 3 east, sections 1, 2, 12, and fractional sections 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, and 14;

Pala—Township 9 south, range 2 west, northeast quarter of section 33, and north half of the north half of 34;

Agua Caliente—Township 10 south, range 3 east, southeast quarter of section 23, southwest quarter of 24, west half of 25, and east half of 26;

Syeuan—Township 16 south, range 1 east, section 13;

Inaja—Township 13 south, range 3 east, northeast quarter of section 35;
Cosmit—Township 13 south, range 3 east, north half of northeast quarter of section 25,

be, and the same are hereby, withdrawn from sale and set apart as reservations for the permanent use and occupancy of the Mission Indians in Lower California.

U. S. Grant

May 15, 1876

Executive Mansion

It is hereby ordered that the following-described lands in San Bernardino County, Cal., viz:

Portrero—Township 2 south, range 1 east, section 36;

Mission—Township 2 south, range 3 east, sections 12, 13, and 14;

Agua Caliente—Township 4 south, range 4 east, section 14, and east half of southeast quarter and northeast quarter of section 22;

Torros—Township 7 south, range 7 east, section 2;

Village—Township 7 south, range 8 east, section 16;

Village—Township 7 south, range 8 east, section 23;

Village—Township 8 south, range 8 east, section 19;

Village—Township 8 south, range 7 east, section 24;

be, and the same hereby are, withdrawn from sale and set apart as reservations for the permanent use and occupation of the Mission Indians in Southern California, in addition to the selections noted and reserved under Executive order dated 27th December last.

U. S. Grant