Articles of a convention made and concluded at the Shoshone and Bannock Indian agency in Wyoming Territory, this twenty-sixth day of September, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seventy-two, by and between Felix R. Brunot, commissioner on the part of the United States, and the chief, head-men, and men of the eastern band of Shoshone Indians, constituting a majority of all the adult male Indians of said band or tribe of Indians, and duly authorized to act in the premises, witnesseth:
That whereas by article 11 of a treaty with the Shoshone (eastern band) and Bannock tribes of Indians, made the 3d day of July, 1868, at Fort Bridger, Utah Territory, a reservation was set apart for the use and occupancy of said tribes of Indians in the following words: "The United States further agrees that the following district of country, to wit: 'commencing at the mouth of Owl Creek and running due south to the crest of the divide between the Sweetwater and the Papo-Agie Rivers; thence along the crest of said divide and the summit of Wind River Mountains to the longitude of North Fork of Wind River; thence due north to mouth of said North Fork, and up its channel to a point twenty miles above its mouth; thence in a straight line to head-waters of Owl Creek, and along middle of channel of Owl Creek to place of beginning,' shall be, and the same is set apart, for the absolute and undisturbed use and occupation of the Shoshone Indians herein named."
And whereas previous to and since the date of said treaty mines have been discovered, and citizens of the United States have made improvements within the limits of said reservation, and it is deemed advisable for the settlement of all difficulty between the parties, arising in consequence of said occupancy, to change the southern limit of said reservation:
The Shoshone band or tribe of Indians (eastern band) hereby cede to the United States of America that portion of their reservation in Wyoming Territory which is situated south of a line beginning at a point on the eastern boundary of the Shoshone and Bannock reservation, due east to the mouth of the Little Papo-Agie, at its junction with the Papo-Agie, and running from said point west to the mouth of the Little Papo-Agie; thence up the Papo-Agie to the North Fork, and up the North Fork to the mouth of the cañon; thence west to the western boundary of the reservation.
The United States agree to pay to the Shoshone (eastern band) or tribe the sum of $25,000; said sum to be expended under the direction of the President for the benefit and use of said Indians in the following manner, viz: On or before the 10th day of August of each year, for the term of five years after the ratification of this agreement, $5,000 shall be expended in the purchase of stock-cattle, and said cattle delivered to the Shoshones on their reservation. Second. The salary of $500 per annum shall be paid by the United States for the term of five years to Wash-a-kie, chief of the Shoshones.
Within the term of six months, and as soon as practicable after the ratification of this agreement, the United States shall cause the southern line of the Shoshone reservation, as herein designated, to be surveyed and marked at suitable points on the ground, and until said line has been so surveyed and marked, the United States binds itself not to permit the intrusion of any white persons upon any of the agricultural or other lands within the limit of the district proposed to be ceded.
This convention or agreement is made subject to the approval of the President and the ratification or rejection of the Congress of the United States.
Felix R. Brunot, [SEAL.]
Lieutenant J. B. Guthrie,
Thirteenth United States Infantry.
Thomas K. Cree,