May 14, 1880
A BILL to accept and ratify the agreement submitted by the Shoshones, Bannocks, and Sheepeaters of the Fort Hall and Lemhi Reservations, in Idaho, May 14, 1880, for the sale of a portion of their lands in said Territory, and for other purposes, and to make the necessary appropriations for carry. mg out the same.
Whereas certain of the chiefs of the Shoshones, Bannock, and Sheepeater tribes of Indians have agreed upon and submitted to the Secretary of the Interior an agreement for the sale of a portion of their lands in the Territory of Idaho, their settlement upon lands in severalty, and for other purposes: Therefore,
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that said agreement be, and the same is hereby, accepted, ratified and confirmed. Said agreement is executed by a, majority of all the adult male Indians of the Shoshone and Bannock tribes occupying or interested in the lands of the Fort Hall Reservation, in conformity with the eleventh article of the treaty with the Shoshones and Bannocks of July third, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight (fifteenth Statutes at Large, page six hundred and seventy-six), and is in words and figures as follows, namely:
The chiefs and headmen of the Shoshones, Bannocks, and Sheepeaters of the Lemhi Agency hereby agree to surrender their reservation at Lemhi, and to remove to and settle upon the Fort Hall Reservation, in Idaho, and to take up lands in severalty on that reservation as hereinafter provided.
The chiefs and headmen of the Shoshones and Bannocks of Fort Hall hereby agree to the settlement of the Lemhi Indians upon the Fort Hall Reservation, 1n Idaho; and they also agree to cede to the United States the following territory, namely: Beginning where the north line of township nine south intersects with the eastern line of their reservation; thence west with the extension of said line to the Port Neuf River; thence down and with the Port Neuf River to where said township line crosses the same; thence west with said line to Marsh Creek; thence up Marsh Creek to where the north line of township number ten south intersects with the same; thence west with said line to the western boundary of said reservation; thence south and with the boundaries of said reservation to the place of beginning; including also such quantity of land on the northside of Port Neuf River as H. 0. Harkness may be entitled to enter under existing law, the same to be couformed to the public surveys so as to include the improvements of said Harkness.
In view of the cessions contained in the above articles, the United States agrees to pay to the Lemhi Indians the sum of four thousand dollars per annum for twenty years, and to the Fort Hall Indians the sum of six thousand dollars per annum for twenty years, the same to be in addition to any sums to which the above-named Indians are now entitled by treaty; and all provisions of existing treaties, so far as they relate to funds, to remain in full force and effect.
Allotments in severalty of the remaining lands on the Fort Hall Reservation shall be made as follows:
To each single person over eighteen years of age, and to each other person under eighteen years now living or who may be born prior to said allotments, not more than one eighth of a section, with an additional quantity of grazing lands not exceeding one-eighth of a section. All allotments to be made with the advice of the agent for said Indians, or such other person as the Secretary of the Interior may designate for that purpose, upon the selections of the Indians, heads of families selecting for their minor children, and ihe agent making the allotment for each orphan child.
The Government of the United States shall cause the lands of the Fort Hall Reservation above named to be properly surveyed, and to be divided among the said Indians in severalty in the proportions herein before mentioned, and shall issue patents to them respectively therefore so soon as the necessary laws are passed by Congress.
The title to be acquired thereto by the Indians shall not be subject to alienation, lease, or incumbrance, either by voluntary conveyance of the grantee or his heirs or by the judgment, order, or decree of any court, or subject to taxation of any character, but shall be and remain inalienable and not subject to taxation for the period of twenty-five years, and until such time thereafter as the President may see fit to remove the restriction, which shall be incorporated in the patent."
Done at the city of Washington, this fourteenth day of May, anno Domini eighteen hundred and eighty.
Ten Doy, his X mark.
Tesedemit, his X mark.
Grouse Pete, his X mark.
Jack Gibson, his X mark.
Ti Hee, his X mark.
Captain Jim, his X mark.
Jack Ten Doy, his X mark.
J. F. Stock.
Jos. T. Bender.
A. F. Gentes.
Charles Rainey, Acting Interpreter.
John A. Wright, United States Indian Agent.