Agreement with the Ottawa, 1831

Agreement with the Ottawa, 1831

September 27, 1831

We the Chiefs and head men of the Ottowa band of Indians of Grand River assembled in council this day to take into consideration the subject of an assault, with intent to kill, by Mue-ut-a-otta-wa an Indian of our Tribe upon the body of Isadore Nantain a white man in the employ of Louis Genereaut do bind ourselves jointly and severally, as follows:


We pledge ourselves that (in case the aforesaid Isadore Nantain dies of his wounds) that we will deliver and surrender the aforesaid Mue-ut-a-otta-wa, into the hands of the proper authority to be tried according to law—


We pledge ourselves to pay all reasonable damages the aforesaid Isadore Nantain may sustain in consequence of this assault and battery—


In case the said Isadore Nantain should recover of his wounds the damages, Expenses etc. sustained him shall be paid out of our annuity which will be received the following year.—

Now-o-qua-ge-schek, his X mark
Se-sin-dis-war, his X mark
Cone-wat-te-nis-cum, his X mark
Na-non-e-mot-e-pe, his X mark
Waa-boose, his X mark
Waa-bin-dat-o, his X mark
She-be-nar, his X mark
Pa-mos-e-ga, his X mark
Non-ge, his X mark
Sag-e-maw, his X mark
the father of Mue-ut-a-otta-wa, his X mark

In Presence of:

St. R. Trowbridge
J P Sprague
Samuel Lasley