This agreement made and entered into on this seventh day of October, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, by and between James McLaughlin, U.S. Indian Inspector, on the part of the United States, and certain members of the Northern Cheyenne tribe of Indians, belonging to the Tongue River Agency, in Custer County, Montana, witnesseth:
The Northern Cheyenne Indians belonging to the Tongue River Agency, who are located on the east side of Tongue River, in Custer Country, Montana, hereby consent and agree to vacate the lands occupied by them on the east side of Tongue River and remove to the west side of said stream, provided the said Tongue River is made the eastern boundary of the reservation.
ART. 2.
In consideration for vacating the lands occupied by certain of the Northern Cheyenne Indians on the east side of Tongue River, in Custer Country, Montana, and their removal to the west side of said stream, and to compensate them for the improvements that they have made upon their respective locations, which they will thus vacate and surrender, it is hereby agreed that the United States shall pay to each of said Indians who remove from the east side to the west side of Tongue River twenty-five (25) dollars in cash, provided that Tongue River is made the eastern boundary of a reservation for the Northern Cheyenne Indians.
ART. 3.
This agreement shall not take effect and be in force until ratified by act of the Congress of the United States. Dated and signed at the Tongue River Agency, Montana, on the seventh day of October, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight.
James McLaughlin, [SEAL.]
U.S. Indian Inspector.
[Note: Omitted Northern Cheyenne signers.]
I hereby certify that at the request of Indian Inspector McLaughlin I read from the foregoing agreement to the Indians, Parties thereto, and that it was explained to them through the agency interpreter.
W. A. Posey, Agency Clerk.
Tongue River Agency, Mont., October 7, 1898.
I hereby certify that the foregoing agreement was explained by me to the Indians, and that it was fully understood by them before signing, and that I witnessed the signatures of the Indians thereto.
Wm. Rowland, Agency Interpreter.
Tongue River Agency, Mont., October 7. 1898.
We hereby certify that we witnessed the signatures of Indians Inspector McLaughlin and the Indians to the foregoing agreement.
W. A. Posey, Agency Clerk.
Wm. Rowland, Agency Interpreter.
Tongue River Agency, Mont., October 7. 1898.
I certify that the total number of Indians, heads of families, belonging to the Tongue River Agency, Montana, located on the east side of Tongue River, is forty-six (46), and that their names are as signed to the foregoing agreement.
J. C. Clifford, U.S. Indian Agent.
Tongue River Agency, Mont., October 7. 1898.
I certify that I visited the location of the Indians belonging to the Tongue River Agency, Montana who are located on the east side of Tongue River; that the number of such families is forty-six (46), and are as represented by signatures to the foregoing agreement.
James McLaughlin, U.S. Indian Inspector.
Tongue River Agency, Mont., October 7. 1898.