Agreement with the Flathead, Pend D'Oreille, and Kutenai, 1887

Agreement with the Flathead, Pend D'Oreille, and Kutenai, 1887

This agreement, made and concluded at Saint Ignatius Mission, Jocko Reservation, Flathead Agency, in the Territory of Montana, on this twenty-seventh day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, by and between John V. Wright, Jarred W. Daniels, and Henry W. Andrews, duly appointed commissioners on the part of the United States, and the chiefs, head-men, and other adult Indians of the confederated bands of Flathead, Pend d'Oreilles, and Kootenai Indians, witnesseth:

That whereas it is the policy of the Government of the United States to remove to and settle upon Indian reservations scattered bands of non-reservation Indians, so as to bring them under the care and protection of the Government of the United States, and whereas a part of the Upper and Middle bands of Spokane Indians have expressed their desire and consent to remove to and settle in permanent homes upon this reservation, and whereas the Lower Pend d'Oreilles or Calespel Indians have also expressed their desire and consent to remove to and settle in permanent homes on this reservation, and whereas it is the policy of the United States first to obtain the consent of reservation Indians before removing other Indians on said reservation: Therefore,

Article I.

In consideration of the desire and consent of said Spokane and Pend d'Oreille Indians, as set forth in their respective agreements made with the above-named Commissioners of the United States, and our desire that this reservation shall be occupied by Indians only, the undersigned, chiefs, head-men, and other adult Indians belonging to the confederated bands of the Flathead, Pend d'Oreilles, and Kootenai Indians now residing on the Jocko Indian Reservation, in the Territory of Montana, do hereby agree and consent that the said Spokane and Pend d'Oreille Indians may be removed to and settled upon the lands of said Jocko Reservation in permanent homes on the terms and conditions contained respectively in the agreement made with the Spokanes at Spokane Falls, in the Territory of Washington, and with said Pend d'Oreilles at Sand Point, in the Territory of Idaho, and we do further agree and consent that the United States may remove to and settle upon the said Jocko Reservation any other non-reservation tribes or bands of Indians who desire and agree to said removal, on such terms and conditions as may be hereafter agreed on between the United States and any of said Indians.

Article II.

In consideration of the large amount of money expended by Saint Ignatius Mission in the erection of a church, school-houses, mills, barns, shops, and other useful buildings, and in the opening and fencing of farms and gardens, and in the consideration of the religious and educational facilities afforded thereby to our children, and our anxious desire that our posterity in all time to come shall continue to have such advantages and facilities, the undersigned Indians agree that the United States may have surveyed and set apart a tract or parcel of land not exceeding one section for the boys' school, under the charge of the Society of Jesus, and one section for the girls' school, under the charge of the Sisters of Providence, on which are situated said buildings and improvements, which land and improvements may be occupied and held by Saint Ignatius Mission for educational and religious purposes, as long as they are used for said purposes and no longer: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall interfere with the rights of Indians living upon said tracts of land.

Article III.

In consideration of the above agreements on the part of the Indians and the necessity therefor, the United States agree to erect on said reservation a saw and grist mill, and furnish a miller for the same, at such place on said reservation, under the direction of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and the United States further agrees to furnish a competent blacksmith, and pay for the services of the same, to be located at or near the said saw and grist mill, and to furnish suitable tools for his use.

This agreement not to be binding upon the parties hereto until the same shall be ratified by Congress.

In testimony thereof the said John V. Wright, Jarred W. Daniels, and Henry W. Andrews, on the part of the United States, and the chiefs, head men, and other Indians, on the part of the said confederated tribes of Indians, parties hereto, have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals this twenty-seventh day of April, anno Domini eighteen hundred and eighty-seven.

Signed with an x mark and seal;

John V. Wright, Jarred W. Daniels, Henry W. Andrews, Michael [signs for fifty-five (55) men], Eneas, chief of the Kootenais, Arlee, Atol, Partee, Joseph, Louison, Partee, Eusta, Vital Revais, Joseph, Paul, Alexander Matte, Alexander Purrier, James Lewis, Joseph, Octave Revais, Antelli, Francoise, Abelos, Robert Irvin, Peter Ogden, Eneas Pierre, Louison, Isaac, Paul, Eneas Francoes, Isaac, Francois Lauctat, Francois, Joe Gardipee, Paul Gardipee, Alexander Murrijean, Leon Altice, Big Sam, Isadore Ladirouth, Eneas, Joseph Paine, Louis Valle, Gregory Big Head, Michel, Celo, Louis, Matta, Adolph, Pierre, Pizi, Lomas, Susep, Maxime, Leon, Bosep, Isaac, Ponel, Joseph, Custata, Charley Joo, Antoine, Enea, Pierre Paul, Pierre, Bosep, Isaac, Joseph, Antoine Maise, Stanislaus Ausley, Charles Sinchelap, Esknilkeilszn, Blase, Joseph Plant, Joseph, Eusta, Pierre Paul, Pamuell, John, Louis, Penvel, Michael Revais, Partee, Penoel, Charles, Charles Allard, Michelle, Artemus, Pamuell, Peirre, Paul Andre, Pierre, Nichola, Lormae, Felix, Partee, Charles, Lola, Lenace, Big Pierre, Don Donald, A. P. McDonald, Penoit, Batiste Matte, Louis Matte, Joe De Shaw, Henry Jebean, Joseph Paine, junior, Edmund Destan, Sam Belman, William Finley, Louis Saxa, Louis, Antoine, Pierre, Batiste Peon, Antoine, Charlowane, Michael, Paul Paon, Isaac.


Leopold Van Gorp.
Thomas E. Adams.

I, Michael Revais, United States interpreter for the Flathead Indian Agency, Montana, do hereby certify, on honor, that the foregoing agreement was carefully read in open council, and by me correctly interpreted, and that the contents thereof were fully explained to and fully understood by said Indians before the signing and sealing of the same.

Michael Revais, his x mark.
Dated, St. Ignatius Mission, Flathead Indian Agency, April 27, 1887.


Thomas E. Adams.
Henry A. Lambert.