Agreement with the Delawares and Wyandot, 1843

Agreement with the Delawares and Wyandot, 1843

Dec. 14, 1843. | 9 Stat., 337. | Ratified July 25, 1848. with the proviso: "That the Wyandot Indian Nation shall take no better right or interest in and to said lands than is now vested in the Delaware Nation of Indians."

Agreement between the Delaware and Wyandot nations of Indians, concluded on the 14th day of December, 1843.

Whereas from a long and intimate acquaintance, and the ardent friendship which has for a great many years existed between the Delawares and Wyandots, and from a mutual desire that the same feeling shall continue and be more strengthened by becoming near neighbors to each other; therefore the said parties, the Delawares on one side, and the Wyandots on the other, in full council assembled, have agreed, and do agree, to the following stipulations, to wit:—


The Delaware nation of Indians, residing between the Missouri and Kansas rivers, being very anxious to have their uncles, the Wyandots, to settle and reside near them, do hereby donate, grant and quitclaim forever, to the Wyandot nation, three sections of land, containing six hundred and forty acres each, lying and being situated at the point of the junction of the Missouri and Kansas Rivers.


The Delaware chiefs, for themselves, and by the unanimous consent of their people; do hereby cede, grant, quitclaim to the Wyandot nation and their heirs forever, thirty-six sections of land, each containing six hundred and forty acres, situated between the aforesaid Missouri and Kansas rivers, and adjoining on the west the aforesaid three donated sections, making in all thirty-nine sections of land, bounded as follows, viz.: Commencing at the point at the junction of the aforesaid Missouri and Kansas rivers, running west along the Kansas river sufficiently far to include the aforesaid thirty-nine sections; thence running north to the Missouri river; thence down the said river with its meanders to the place of beginning; to be surveyed in as near a square form as the rivers and territory ceded will admit of.


In consideration of the foregoing donation and cession of land, the Wyandot chiefs bind themselves, successors in office, and their people to pay to the Delaware nation of Indians, forty-six thousand and eighty dollars, as follows, viz: six thousand and eighty dollars to be paid the year eighteen hundred and forty-four, and four thousand dollars annually thereafter for ten years.


It is hereby distinctly understood, between the contracting parties, that the aforesaid agreement shall not be binding or obligatory until the President of the United States shall have approved the same and caused it to be recorded in the War Department. In testimony whereof, we, the chiefs and headmen of the Delaware nation, and the chiefs and headmen of the Wyandott nation, have, this fourteenth day of December, eighteen hundred and forty-three, set our signatures.

Delaware chiefs. Wyandotts.
Nah-koo-mer, his x mark. Henry Jacquis, his x mark.
Captain Ketchum, his x mark. James Washington, his x mark.
Captain Suavec, his x mark, Matthew Peacock, his x mark.
Jackenduthen, his x mark. James Bigtree, his x mark.
San-kock-sa, his x mark. George Armstrong, his x mark.
Cock-i-to-wa, his x mark, Tan-roo-mie, his x mark.
Sa-sar-sit-tona, his x mark, T. A. Hicks.
Pemp-scah, his x mark,  
Nah-que-non, his x mark,  

Signed in open council in presence of

Jonathan Phillips, Sub-agent for the Wyandotts.

Richard W. Cummins, Indian Agent.

James M. Simpson.

Charles Graham.

Joel Walker, Secretary of the Wyandott Council.

Henry Tiblow, Indian Interpreter, Delaware."