Be it known to all that we, the chiefs and headmen of the Apache, Comanche, and Kiowa tribes of Indians of the Upper Arkansas, and the Arapahoes now south of the Arkansas River, have agreed, and do hereby agree, with our agent, Col. J. H. Leavenworth, and with Bvt. Maj. Gen. John B. Sanborn, commanding the District of Upper Arkansas, to cease all acts of violence or injury to the frontier settlements and to the traveler on the Sante Fe road and other lines of travel, and to remain at peace. We further agree to meet and council on the 4th day of October, 1865, at Bluff Creek, about forty miles south of the Little Arkansas, with such commissioners as the President of the United States may appoint for a perpetual peace between the Government of the United States and our various tribes; and we further agree to use all our influence with the Cheyenne Indians now south of the Arkansas River, and induce them to join us in this perpetual peace, and if they do not we will compel them to cease all acts of violence toward the citizens of the United States or runners from our country.
In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hand and affixed our marks this 15th day of August, 1865, at the month of the Little Arkansas, in council with the officers of the Government above named.
To-Han-Son his X mark or Little Mountain,
Chief of Kiowas.
[And five other Chiefs of the Kiowas.]
Parry-Wah-Can-Ha-Vitcha his X mark or Poor Bear,
Chief of Apaches.
Ho-To-Yo-Koh-Wah his X mark or Over the Buttes,
Chief of Comanches.
[And seven other chiefs of the Comanches.]
Pah-Up-Pat-Top his X mark or Big Mouth,
Chief of Arapahoes.
In presence of:
Jessie Chisholm.
W. T. Kittredge,
Assistant Adjutant-General.
Mouth of Little Arkansas. August 15, 1865.
In consideration of the above agreement and understanding made by the chiefs and headmen of the tribes above mentioned, I agree on the part of the Government to suspend all acts of hostility toward the various tribes above mentioned so long as they observe in good faith the stipulations and agreement on their part as hereinabove set forth.
John B. Sanborn,
Brevet Major-General, Commanding District of Upper Arkansas.
Jesse H. Leavenworth,
U. S. Indian Agent.