Agreement by the Sioux to relinquish hunting privileges in Nebraska, 1875

Agreement by the Sioux to relinquish hunting privileges in Nebraska, 1875

We, the chiefs and headmen of the Ogallalla, Brule, and other Sioux tribes of Indians, having heard a full explanation of the wishes of the Government of the United States, that we should surrender the privileges contained in the treaty of 1868, to hunt in Nebraska, and in all the country south of our reservation, and all our rights in what is called in said treaty the unceded territory, so far as such territory is contained within the limits of Nebraska, which rights and privileges are particularly described in articles eleven and sixteen of said treaty; and being fully informed that the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars has been appropriated by Congress for the purchase of presents for the Sioux of the Red Cloud and Spotted Tail agencies, to be received by us in compensation for the relinquishment of the privileges above named, do hereby agree to surrender all privileges of hunting and all other rights and privileges in Nebraska and on the Republican Fork of the Smoky Hill River, secured to us by said treaty.

Provided, That we do not surrender any right of occupation of the country situated in Nebraska north of the divide, which is south of and near to the Niobrara River, and west of the 100th meridian; but desire to retain that country for future occupation and use.

Chiefs and headmen signing at Spotted Tail agency.

Spotted Tail, his x mark.
Swift Bear, his x mark.
Black Crow, his x mark.
Looking Horse, his x mark.
White Thunder, his x mark.
Whitewash, his x mark.
John Indian, his x mark.
Blue Tomahawk, his x mark.
Red Nose, his x mark.
Good Voice, his x mark.
Kick, his x mark.
Bear Ghost, his x mark.
Bear Looks Behind, his x mark.
Bald Eagle Bear, his x mark.
Brave Eagle, his x mark.
Medicine Bear, his x mark.
Sioux, his x mark.
Tall Man Dan, his x mark.
Enemy Catcher, his x mark.
Iron Horse, his x mark.
Cook, his x mark.
Lone Dog, his x mark.
Red Bear, his x mark.
Louis Roubideaux, his x mark.
Standing Elk, his x mark.
Blue Teeth, his x mark.
Afraid of Nothing, his x mark.
Roast, his x mark.
Whirlwind Soldier, his x mark.
No Flesh, his x mark.
Eagle Iron Feather, his x mark.
Ring Thunder, his x mark.
Black Elk, his x mark.
Thigh, his x mark.

We, the undersigned, certify on honor that we were present at the place and date herein stated, and saw the signatures and marks of the chiefs and headmen of the Brule band of Sioux at this agency affixed to this document after the contents were fully explained to them by the interpreter.

E. A. Howard,
United States Indian Agent.

Louis Bordeux,

Wm. J. Cleveland,

John L. Mills, M. D.

Edward Willard.

Spotted Tail Agency, Neb., June 23, 1875.

Chiefs and headmen signing at Red Cloud agency.

Little Wound, his x mark, Taopi Chikila, chief.
Pawnee Killer, his x mark, Stili kte, sub-chief.
Black Bear, his x mark, Mato Sape, sub-chief.
Iron Horse, his x mark, Ta xunkamaza, soldier.
Quick Bear, his x mark, Mato luza, sub-chief.
Red Dog, his x mark, Xunkaluta, chief.
High Wolf, his x mark, Xunka manito wakanto, chief.
Conquering Bear, his x mark, Mato yui, head soldier.
White Crane Walking, his x mark, Pahasa mani, head soldier.
Tall Lance, his x mark, Wahukeza Wakatia, soldier.
Bear's Robe, his x mark, Mato ha xina, soldier.
Red Leaf, his x mark, Warpexa, chief.
Day, his x mark, Am pa ha, chief.
Yellow Hair, his x mark, Pehizizi, head soldier.
White Tail, his x mark, Sin tes ka, sub-chief.
Turkey Legs, his x mark, Wagle xun huka, chief.
Slow Bull, his x mark, Ta touka hunkaxni, chief.
Blue Horse, his x mark, Xunkito, chief.
Red Top, his x mark, Ta-ha pahaxa, soldier.

We, the undersigned, certify on honor that we were present at the place and date herein stated, and saw the signatures and marks of the chiefs and headmen of the Ogallalla band of Sioux at this agency affixed to this document after the contents were fully explained to them by the interpreter.

J. W. Daniels,
United States Indian Inspector.

Louis Richard,

Martin Gibbons.

Sheridan McBratney.

Red Cloud Agency, Neb., June 23, 1875.