Treaties, Agreements, and Documents

Year Title Signatories Successor in Interest Tribe(s) Type Tags
1722 Great Treaty of 1722 Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneidea, Onondaga, Seneka, Mahican treaty ratified
1726 Deed in Trust from Three of the Five Nations of Indians to the King, 1726 Cayuga, Onondaga, Seneka treaty ratified
1744 Treaty of Lancaster, 1744 Six Nations of New York, Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneidea, Onondaga, Seneka, Tuscarora treaty ratified
1752 Treaty of Logstown, 1752 Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneidea, Onondaga, Seneka, Tuscarora treaty ratified
1754 Albany Plan of Union, 1754 Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneidea, Onondaga, Seneka, Tuscarora treaty ratified
1760 Treaty with the Six Nations, 1760 Cayuga, Onondaga, Mohawk, Seneka, Tuscarora, Oneidea other ratified
1768 Treaty of Fort Stanwix, 1768 Cayuga, Onondaga, Mohawk, Tuscarora, Seneka, Oneidea, Shawnee, Delaware, Six Nations of New York treaty ratified
1778 Treaty with the Delawares, 1778 Delaware treaty right of way, ratified
1784 Treaty with the Six Nations, 1784 Mohawk, Onondaga, Seneka, Oneidea, Cayuga, Seneka Abeal, Tuscarora treaty ratified
1785 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1785 Cherokee treaty crimes against Indian country, ratified
1785 Treaty with the Wyandot, etc., 1785 Wyandot, Delaware, Chippewa, Ottawa treaty ratified
1786 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1786 Chickasaw treaty crimes against Indian country, ratified
1786 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1786 Choctaw treaty crimes against Indian country, ratified
1786 Treaty with the Shawnee, 1786 Shawnee treaty ratified
1789 Treaty with the Six Nations, 1789 Mohawk, Oneidea, Onondaga, Tuscarora, Cayuga, Seneka treaty ratified
1789 Treaty with the Wyandot, etc., 1789 Sac, Chippewa, Ottawa, Potawatomi, Delaware, Wyandot treaty hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1789 Draft of a treaty entitled: Articles of peace and amity agreed upon between the President of the United States of America and Creeks Creek treaty not ratified, crimes against Indian country
1790 Treaty with the Creeks, 1790 Creek treaty hunting fishing gathering, provide agriculture assistance, crimes against Indian country, ratified
1790 Secret Article of the Treaty with the Creeks, 1790 Creek treaty not ratified
1791 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1791 Cherokee treaty roads and highways, provide agriculture assistance, hunting fishing gathering, crimes against Indian country, ratified
1792 Agreement with the Five Nations of Indians, 1792 Five Nations agreement ratified, provide agriculture assistance
1792 Treaty with the Wabash and Illinois, 1792 Wabash, Illinois treaty not ratified
1794 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1794 Cherokee treaty ratified
1794 Treaty with the Oneida, etc., 1794 Oneidea, Tuscarora, Stockbridge treaty ratified
1794 Treaty with the Six Nations, 1794 Oneidea, Onondaga, Cayuga, Tuscarora, Seneka, Mohawk treaty harbors and rivers, roads and highways, right of way, ratified
1794 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1794 Chickasaw treaty not ratified - considered valid
1795 Treaty with the Wyandot, etc., 1795 Chippewa, Delaware, Eel River, Kaskaskia, Kickapoo, Miami, Ottawa, Piankishaw, Potawatomi, Wea treaty harbors and rivers, right of way, hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1795 Treaty with the Shawnee, Delaware and Miami, 1795 Shawnee, Delaware, Miami treaty not ratified
1796 Treaty with the Creeks, 1796 Creek treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1796 Treaty with the Seven Nations of Canada, 1796 Seven Nations of Canada treaty ratified
1797 Treaty with the Mohawk, 1797 Mohawk treaty ratified
1797 Agreement with the Seneca, 1797 Seneka agreement not ratified, hunting fishing gathering
1798 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1798 Cherokee treaty roads and highways, hunting fishing gathering, right of way, ratified
1798 Treaty with the Oneida, 1798 Oneidea treaty ratified
1801 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1801 Chickasaw treaty roads and highways, ferries, right of way, promise to hire, ratified
1801 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1801 Choctaw treaty roads and highways, promise to hire, right of way, ratified
1802 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1802 Choctaw treaty ratified
1802 Treaty with the Creeks, 1802 Creek treaty ratified
1802 Treaty with the Seneca, 1802 Seneka treaty ratified
1802 Treaty with the Seneca, 1802 Seneka treaty ratified
1802 Treaty with the Oneida, 1802 Oneida treaty ratified
1802 Treaty with the Seneca, 1802 Seneca treaty ratified, hunting fishing gathering, ferries
1802 Treaty with the Tuscarora, 1802 Tuscarora treaty
1803 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1803 Choctaw treaty ratified
1803 Treaty with the Delawares, etc., 1803 Delaware, Shawnee, Potawatomi, Miami, Eel River, Wea, Kickapoo, Piankishaw, Kaskaskia treaty ferries, ratified
1803 Treaty with the Eel River, etc., 1803 Eel River, Wyandot, Piankishaw, Kaskaskia, Kickapoo treaty ratified
1803 Treaty with the Kaskaskia, 1803 Kaskaskia treaty hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1804 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1804 Cherokee treaty ratified
1804 Treaty with the Delawares, 1804 Delaware, Miami, Piankishaw treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1804 Treaty with the Piankeshaw, 1804 Piankishaw treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1804 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1804 Sauk and Fox treaty provide agriculture assistance, hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1804 Treaty with the Creek, 1804 Creek treaty not ratified
1805 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1805 Cherokee treaty roads and highways, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1805 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1805 Cherokee treaty roads and highways, right of way, mail routes and roads, ratified
1805 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1805 Chickasaw treaty ratified
1805 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1805 Choctaw treaty ratified
1805 Treaty with the Creeks, 1805 Creek treaty roads and highways, right of way, hunting fishing gathering, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1805 Treaty with the Delawares, etc., 1805 Delaware, Potawatomi, Miami, Eel River, Wea treaty ratified
1805 Treaty with the Piankashaw, 1805 Piankishaw treaty hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1805 Treaty with the Sioux, 1805 Sioux treaty hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1805 Treaty with the Wyandot, etc., 1805 Wyandot, Ottawa, Chippewa, Delaware, Shawnee, Potawatomi, Munsee treaty hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1806 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1806 Cherokee treaty ratified
1807 Treaty with the Ottawa, etc., 1807 Ottawa, Chippewa, Wyandot, Potawatomi treaty hunting fishing gathering, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1807 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1807 Cherokee treaty ratified, mining and mineral rights
1808 Treaty with the Osage, 1808 Great Osage, Little Osage treaty provide agriculture assistance, hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1808 Treaty with the Chippewa, etc., 1808 Chippewa, Ottawa, Potawatomi, Wyandot, Shawnee treaty roads and highways, hunting fishing gathering, right of way, ratified
1809 Treaty with the Delawares, etc., 1809 Delaware, Potawatomi, Miami, Eel River Miami treaty ratified
1809 Treaty with the Kickapoo, 1809 Kickapoo, Wea treaty hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1809 Supplementary Treaty with the Miami, etc., 1809 Miami, Eel River treaty ratified
1809 Treaty with the Wea, 1809 Wea, Delaware, Miami, Potawatomi, Eel River treaty ratified
1813 Armistice with the Miami, Potawatomi, Wyandot, Wea, Eel River Miami, Ottawa, and Chippewa, 1813 Miami, Potawatomi, Wyandot, Wea, Eel River, Ottawa, Chippewa other not ratified
1814 Treaty with the Creeks, 1814 Creek treaty roads and highways, right of way, ratified
1814 Treaty with the Wyandot, etc., 1814 Wyandot, Delaware, Ottawa, Seneka, Shawnee, Potawatomi, Kickapoo, Miami ratified
1814 TEST Treaty for Import (MEM) Wyandot, Delaware, Ottawa, Seneka, Shawnee, Potawatomi, Kickapoo, Miami treaty ratified
1815 Treaty with the Foxes, 1815 Fox treaty ratified
1815 Treaty with the Iowa, 1815 Iowa treaty ratified
1815 Treaty with the Kansa, 1815 Kansa treaty ratified
1815 Treaty with the Kickapoo, 1815 Kickapoo treaty ratified
1815 Treaty with the Makah, 1815 Makah treaty ratified
1815 Treaty with the Osage, 1815 Great Osage, Little Osage treaty ratified
1815 Treaty with the Piankashaw, 1815 Piankishaw treaty ratified
1815 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1815 Potawatomi treaty ratified
1815 Treaty with the Sauk, 1815 Sauk treaty ratified
1815 Treaty with the Sioux of the Lakes, 1815 Sioux treaty ratified
1815 Treaty with the Sioux of St. Peter's River, 1815 Sioux treaty ratified
1815 Treaty with the Teton, 1815 Teton treaty ratified
1815 Treaty with the Wyandot, etc., 1815 Wyandot, Delaware, Seneka, Shawnee, Miami, Chippewa, Ottawa, Potawatomi treaty ratified
1815 Treaty with the Yankton Sioux, 1815 Yankton, Sioux treaty ratified
1816 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1816 Cherokee treaty ratified
1816 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1816 Cherokee treaty roads and highways, ferries, harbors and rivers, right of way, ratified
1816 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1816 Cherokee treaty ratified
1816 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1816 Chickasaw treaty ratified
1816 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1816 Choctaw treaty ratified
1816 Treaty with the Wea and Kickapoo, 1816 Wea, Kickapoo treaty ratified
1816 Treaty with the Ottawa, etc., 1816 Ottawa, Chippewa, Potawatomi treaty hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1816 Treaty with the Sauk, 1816 Sac treaty ratified
1816 Treaty with the Sioux, 1816 Sioux, Sioux of the Broad Leaf, Sioux of the Leaf, Sioux who shoot in the Pine Tops treaty ratified
1816 Treaty with the Winnebago, 1816 Winnebago treaty ratified
1817 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1817 Cherokee treaty ratified
1817 Treaty with the Menominee, 1817 Menominee treaty ratified
1817 Treaty with the Oto, 1817 Ottoe treaty ratified
1817 Treaty with the Ponca, 1817 Ponca treaty ratified
1817 Treaty with the Wyandot, etc., 1817 Wyandot, Seneka, Delaware, Potawatomi, Ottawa, Chippewa treaty roads and highways, ferries, provide education assistance, hunting fishing gathering, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1818 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1818 Chickasaw treaty ratified
1818 Treaty with the Creeks, 1818 Creek treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1818 Treaty with the Delawares, 1818 Delaware treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1818 Treaty with the Grand Pawnee, 1818 Grand Pawnee treaty ratified
1818 Treaty with the Miami, 1818 Miami treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1818 Treaty with the Osage, 1818 Great Osage, Little Osage treaty ratified
1818 Treaty with the Noisy Pawnee, 1818 Noisy Pawnee treaty ratified
1818 Treaty with the Pawnee Republic, 1818 Pawnee treaty ratified
1818 Treaty with the Pawnee Marhar, 1818 Pawnee Marhar treaty ratified
1818 Treaty with the Peoria, etc., 1818 Peoria, Kaskaskia, Mitchigamia, Cahokia, Tamaroa treaty ratified
1818 Agreement with the Piankeshaw, 1818 Piankishaw agreement not ratified
1818 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1818 Potawatomi treaty ratified
1818 Treaty with the Quapaw, 1818 Quapaw treaty hunting fishing gathering, right of way, roads and highways, ratified
1818 Treaty with the Wea, 1818 Wea treaty ratified
1818 Treaty with the Wyandot, etc., 1818 Wyandot, Seneka, Shawnee, Ottawa treaty ratified
1818 Treaty with the Wyandot, 1818 Wyandot treaty ratified
1819 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1819 Cherokee treaty roads and highways, provide education assistance, ratified
1819 Treaty with the Kickapoo, 1819 Kickapoo treaty ratified
1819 Treaty with the Kickapoo, 1819 Kickapoo of the Vermilion treaty ratified
1819 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1819 Chippewa treaty roads and highways, hunting fishing gathering, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1820 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1820 Choctaw treaty provide education assistance, crimes against Indian country, bad men, ratified
1820 Treaty with the Kickapoo, 1820 Kickapoo treaty ratified
1820 Treaty with the Kickapoo of the Vermilion, 1820 Kickapoo of the Vermilion treaty ratified
1820 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1820 Chippewa treaty hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1820 Treaty with the Ottawa and Chippewa, 1820 Ottawa, Chippewa treaty ratified
1820 Treaty with the Wea, 1820 Wea treaty ratified
1820 Treaty with the Eastern Sioux, 1820 Santee, Mdewakanton, Wahpekute, Sisseton treaty not ratified
1820 Treaty with the Mahas, 1820 Omaha treaty not ratified
1821 Treaty with the Creeks, 1821 Creek treaty ratified
1821 Treaty with the Creeks, 1821 Creek treaty ratified
1821 Treaty with the Ottawa, etc., 1821 Ottawa, Chippewa, Potawatomi treaty roads and highways, hunting fishing gathering, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, ratified
1821 Treaty with the Stockbridge, Munsee, Winnebago, Iroquois, and Menominee, 1821 Stockbridge, Munsee, Menominee, Winnebago, Iroquois treaty not ratified, hunting fishing gathering
1822 Treaty with the Osage, 1822 Great Osage, Little Osage treaty ratified
1822 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1822 Sauk and Fox treaty ratified
1822 Treaty with the Stockbridge, Munsee, Oneida, Menomonee, Mohawk, Tuscarora, 1822 Stockbridge, Munsee, St. Regis Indians, Tuscarora, Menominee, Oneida treaty not ratified
1822 Treaty with the Creek and Cherokee Indians, 1822 Creek, Cherokee treaty not ratified
1823 Treaty with the Florida Tribes of Indians, 1823 Florida Tribes treaty roads and highways, harbors and rivers, right of way, hunting fishing gathering, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, ratified
1823 Agreement with the Seneca, 1823 Seneka agreement not ratified
1824 Treaty with the Iowa, 1824 Iowa treaty hunting fishing gathering, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1824 Treaty with the Quapaw, 1824 Quapaw treaty hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1824 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1824 Sauk and Fox treaty hunting fishing gathering, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1825 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1825 Choctaw treaty provide education assistance, ratified
1825 Treaty with the Creeks, 1825 Creek treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1825 Agreement with the Creeks, 1825 Creek agreement not ratified
1825 Treaty with the Arikara Tribe, 1825 Arikara treaty ratified
1825 Treaty with the Belantse-Etoa or Minitaree Tribe, 1825 Belantse-Etoa, Minnetaree treaty ratified
1825 Treaty with the Cheyenne Tribe, 1825 Cheyenne treaty ratified
1825 Treaty with the Crow Tribe, 1825 Crow treaty ratified
1825 Treaty with the Hunkpapa Band of the Sioux Tribe, 1825 Hunkpapa Sioux treaty ratified
1825 Treaty with the Kansa, 1825 Kansa treaty harbors and rivers, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1825 Treaty with the Kansa, 1825 Kansa treaty roads and highways, right of way, ratified
1825 Treaty with the Makah Tribe, 1825 Makah treaty ratified
1825 Treaty with the Mandan Tribe, 1825 Mandan treaty ratified
1825 Treaty with the Sioune and Oglala Tribes, 1825 Sioune, Oglala, Sioux treaty ratified
1825 Treaty with the Osage, 1825 Great Osage, Little Osage treaty provide agriculture assistance, harbors and rivers, provide education assistance, ratified
1825 Treaty with the Great and Little Osage, 1825 Great Osage, Little Osage treaty right of way, roads and highways, ratified
1825 Treaty with the Oto and Missouri Tribe, 1825 Ottoe, Missouri treaty ratified
1825 Treaty with the Pawnee Tribe, 1825 Pawnee treaty ratified
1825 Treaty with the Ponca, 1825 Ponca treaty ratified
1825 Treaty with the Shawnee, 1825 Shawnee treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1825 Treaty with the Teton, etc., Sioux, 1825 Teton, Yankton, Yanktonai, Sioux treaty ratified
1825 Treaty with the Sioux, etc., 1825 Chippewa, Sauk and Fox, Menominee, Iowa, Sioux, Winnebago, Ottawa, Potawatomi treaty hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1825 Treaty with the Assiniboine, 1825 Assiniboine treaty not ratified, crimes against Indian country, right of way
1826 Treaty with the Creeks, 1826 Creek treaty ferries, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1826 Treaty with the Miami, 1826 Miami treaty roads and highways, canals, hunting fishing gathering, right of way, provide education assistance, ratified
1826 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1826 Potawatomi treaty provide education assistance, hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1826 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1826 Sault Ste. Marie, River St. Croix, La Pointe, Ottawa, Lac du Flambeau, Ontonagon, Vermilion Lake, Snake River, Rainy Lake, Sandy Lake treaty mining and mineral rights, hunting fishing gathering, provide education assistance, ratified
1826 Agreement between the Seneca and Troup, Ogden, and Rogers, 1826 Seneca agreement ratified
1827 Treaty with the Creeks, 1827 Creek treaty provide education assistance, ratified
1827 Treaty with the Chippewa, etc., 1827 Chippewa, Menominee, Winnebago treaty provide education assistance, ratified
1827 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1827 Potawatomi treaty ratified
1827 Treaty with the Winnebago, 1827 Winnebago treaty not ratified
1828 Treaty with the Western Cherokee, 1828 Cherokee treaty roads and highways, right of way, provide education assistance, ratified
1828 Treaty with the Miami, 1828 Eel River Miami, Thorntown party of Miami treaty provide education assistance, ratified
1828 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1828 Potawatomi treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1828 Treaty with the Winnebago, etc., 1828 Winnebago, Potawatomi, Chippewa, Ottawa treaty ferries, mining and mineral rights, ratified
1829 Treaty with the Chippewa, etc., 1829 Chippewa, Ottawa, Potawatomi treaty hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1829 Treaty with the Delawares, 1829 Delaware treaty ratified
1829 Treaty with the Delawares, 1829 Delaware treaty provide education assistance, ratified
1829 Treaty with the Winnebago, 1829 Winnebago treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1830 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1830 Chickasaw treaty provide education assistance, promise to purchase, provide agriculture assistance, not ratified
1830 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1830 Choctaw treaty roads and highways, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1830 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, etc., 1830 Sac, Fox, Wahpekuta, Sisseton, Omaha, Iowa, Mdewakanton, Ottoe, Missouri, Sauk and Fox treaty provide education assistance, hunting fishing gathering, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1830 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1830 Choctaw treaty not ratified, roads and highways, mail routes and roads, provide education assistance
1830 Treaty with the Missouria, Fox, Sioux, Menominee, Ottoe, Iowa, Sauk, Winnebago, and Omaha, 1830 Missouri, Omaha, Winnebago, Iowa, Menominee, Sioux, Sauk, Fox, Ottoe treaty not ratified
1831 Treaty with the Menominee, 1831 Menominee treaty roads and highways, provide education assistance, hunting fishing gathering, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1831 Treaty with the Menominee, 1831 Menominee treaty ratified
1831 Treaty with the Ottawa, 1831 Ottawa treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1831 Treaty with the Seneca, 1831 Seneka treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1831 Treaty with the Seneca, etc., 1831 Seneka, Shawnee treaty ratified
1831 Treaty with the Shawnee, 1831 Shawnee treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1831 Treaty with the Sauk and Fox, 1831 Sauk, Fox, Meskwaki, Potawatomi, Ottawa, Kickapoo, Ho-Chunk treaty
1831 Agreement with the Ottawa, 1831 Ottawa agreement not ratified
1831 Agreement with the Wyandot, 1831 Wyandot agreement not ratified
1831 Treaty with the Cherokee, Western Creek, and Osage, 1831 Osage, Creek, Cherokee treaty not ratified
1832 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1832 Chickasaw treaty promise to purchase, ratified
1832 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1832 Chickasaw treaty mail routes and roads, right of way, ratified
1832 Treaty with the Creeks, 1832 Creek treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1832 Treaty with the Seminole, 1832 Seminole treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1832 Treaty with the Appalachicola Band, 1832 Apalachicola treaty ratified
1832 Treaty with the Kaskaskia, etc., 1832 Kaskaskia, Peoria treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1832 Treaty with the Kickapoo, 1832 Kickapoo treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1832 Treaty with the Menominee, 1832 Menominee treaty ratified
1832 Treaty with the Piankashaw and Wea, 1832 Piankishaw, Wea treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1832 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1832 Potawatomi treaty hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1832 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1832 Potawatomi treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1832 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1832 Potawatomi treaty provide education assistance, ratified
1832 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1832 Sauk and Fox treaty mining and mineral rights, hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1832 Treaty with the Seneca and Shawnee, 1832 Seneka, Shawnee treaty ratified
1832 Treaty with the Shawnee, etc., 1832 Shawnee, Delaware treaty provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, ratified
1832 Treaty with the Wyandot, 1832 Wyandot treaty ratified
1832 Treaty with the Winnebago, 1832 Winnebago treaty provide agriculture assistance, hunting fishing gathering, provide healthcare assistance, ratified
1833 Treaty with the Western Cherokee, 1833 Cherokee, Western Cherokee treaty ratified
1833 Treaty with the Creeks, 1833 Creek, Muscogee treaty provide education assistance, ratified
1833 Treaty with the Seminole, 1833 Seminole treaty ratified
1833 Treaty with the Appalachicola Band, 1833 Apalachicola treaty ratified
1833 Treaty with the Chippewa, etc., 1833 Chippewa, Ottawa, Potawatomi treaty provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, ratified
1833 Treaty with the Oto and Missouri, 1833 Ottoe, Missouri treaty provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, ratified
1833 Treaty with the Ottawa, 1833 Ottawa treaty ratified
1833 Treaty with the Pawnee, 1833 Pawnee Republicans, Grand Pawnee, Pawnee Loups, Pawnee Tappahs treaty hunting fishing gathering, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1833 Treaty with the Quapaw, 1833 Quapaw treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1833 Treaty with the Kickapoo, Piankeshaw, Kaskaskia, Omaha, Delaware, Ottoe, Pawnee, Iowa, Peoria, Kansa, Pottawatomi, Shawnee, Wea, and Ottawa, 1833 Kickapoo, Piankishaw, Kaskaskia, Omaha, Delaware, Ottoe, Pawnee, Iowa, Peoria, Kansa, Potawatomi, Shawnee, Wea, Ottawa treaty not ratified
1834 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1834 Chickasaw treaty mail routes and roads, provide education assistance, right of way, ratified
1834 Treaty with the Miami, 1834 Miami treaty ratified
1834 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1834 Potawatomi treaty ratified
1834 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1834 Potawatomi treaty ratified
1834 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1834 Potawatomi treaty ratified
1834 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1834 Potawatomi treaty ratified
1834 Treaty and supplement with the Cherokee, 1834 Cherokee treaty not ratified, provide education assistance
1834 Treaty with the Nees-waugh-gee and Quash-quaw bands of Potawatomi, 1834 Potawatomi treaty not ratified
1834 Treaty with the Pe-pin-a-waw, Me-no-mi-nie, No-taw-kah, and Mac-kah-tah-mo-ah bands of Potawatomi, 1834 Potawatomi treaty not ratified
1834 Treaty with the Kim-koash and Me-no-quet bands of Potawatomie, 1834 Potawatomi treaty not ratified
1834 Treaty with the Che-kase band of Potawatomi, 1834 Potawatomi treaty not ratified
1834 Treaty with the Aub-be-naub-bee band of Potawatomi, 1834 Potawatomi treaty not ratified
1834 Treaty with the Mess-quaw-buck band of Potawatomi, 1834 Potawatomi treaty not ratified
1834 Treaty with the Ash-kum and Was-she-o-nass bands of Potawatomi, 1834 Potawatomi treaty not ratified
1834 Treaty with the Be-si-ah band of Potawatomi, 1834 Potawatomi treaty not ratified
1834 Treaty with the O-kaw-wause, Kee-waw-nay, Nee-bosh, and Ma-che-saw bands of Potawatomi, 1834 Potawatomi treaty not ratified
1835 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1835 Cherokee treaty roads and highways, provide education assistance, mail routes and roads, right of way, ratified
1835 Agreement with the Cherokee, 1835 Cherokee agreement not ratified
1835 Treaty with the Caddo, 1835 Caddo treaty ratified
1835 Treaty with the Comanche, etc., 1835 Comanche, Cherokee, Osage, Quapaw, Seneka, Choctaw, Wichita treaty hunting fishing gathering, right of way, ratified
1835 Treaty with the Great and Little Osage, 1835 Osage treaty not ratified, provide agriculture assistance, hunting fishing gathering
1836 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1836 Chippewa, Chippewa of Black River, Chippewa of Swan Creek treaty ratified
1836 Treaty with the Iowa, etc., 1836 Iowa, Sac and Fox of Missouri treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1836 Treaty with the Menominee, 1836 Menominee treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1836 Treaty with the Oto, etc., 1836 Ottoe, Missouri, Omaha, Yankton, Santee, Sioux treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1836 Treaty with the Ottawa, etc., 1836 Ottawa, Chippewa treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, hunting fishing gathering, provide healthcare assistance, ratified
1836 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1836 Potawatomi treaty ratified
1836 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1836 Potawatomi treaty ratified
1836 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1836 Potawatomi treaty ratified
1836 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1836 Potawatomi treaty ratified
1836 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1836 Potawatomi treaty ratified
1836 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1836 Potawatomi treaty ratified
1836 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1836 Potawatomi treaty ratified
1836 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1836 Potawatomi treaty ratified
1836 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1836 Potawatomi Indians of the Wabash treaty ratified
1836 Treaty with the Sauk and Fox Tribe, 1836 Sauk and Fox treaty ratified
1836 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1836 Sauk and Fox treaty hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1836 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1836 Sauk and Fox treaty hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1836 Treaty with the Sioux, 1836 Sioux, Sioux of Wa-ha-shaw's Tribe treaty ratified
1836 Treaty with the Sioux, 1836 Sioux, Sisseton, Wahpekuta, Mdewakanton treaty ratified
1836 Treaty with the Wyandot, 1836 Wyandot tribe of Indians in Ohio treaty roads and highways, provide education assistance, ratified
1836 Treaty with the Saginaw bands of Chippewa, 1836 Chippewa treaty not ratified, provide healthcare assistance
1836 Treaty with the New York Indians in Wisconsin, 1836 Oneidea, Tuscarora, St. Regis Indians treaty not ratified, provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance
1836 Treaty with the Stockbridge and Munsee, 1836 Stockbridge, Munsee treaty not ratified
1836 Executive Order: August 7, 1836 Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837 executive order
1837 Treaty with the Choctaw and Chickasaw, 1837 Choctaw, Chickasaw treaty ratified
1837 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1837 Chippewa, Chippewa of Saginaw treaty provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, ratified
1837 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1837 Chippewa treaty hunting fishing gathering, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1837 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1837 Chippewa, Chippewa of Saginaw treaty ratified
1837 Treaty with the Iowa, 1837 Iowa treaty ratified
1837 Treaty with the Kiowa, etc., 1837 Kiowa, Muscogee, Osage, Ka-ta-kas, Tawakoni treaty hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1837 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1837 Potawatomi treaty ratified
1837 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1837 Sac, Fox treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1837 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1837 Sac and Fox of Missouri treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1837 Treaty with the Sioux, 1837 Sioux treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1837 Treaty with the Yankton Sioux, 1837 Yankton, Sioux treaty ratified
1837 Treaty with the Winnebago, 1837 Winnebago treaty hunting fishing gathering, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, provide education assistance, ratified
1838 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1838 Chippewa treaty ratified
1838 Treaty with the Creeks, 1838 Creek treaty ratified
1838 Treaty with the Iowa, 1838 Iowa treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1838 Treaty with the Miami, 1838 Miami treaty provide education assistance, ratified
1838 Treaty with the New York Indians, 1838 Seneka, Oneidea, Cayuga, St. Regis Indians treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1838 Treaty with the Oneida, 1838 Oneidea, First Christian of Oneida, Orchard Oneida treaty ratified
1838 Treaty with the Omaha, Otoe, and Iowa, 1838 Omaha, Iowa, Otoe treaty not ratified
1839 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1839 Chippewa, Chippewa of Saginaw treaty ratified
1839 Treaty with the Osage, 1839 Great Osage, Little Osage treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1839 Treaty with the Stockbridge and Munsee, 1839 Stockbridge, Munsee treaty provide education assistance, ratified
1839 Treaty with the Shawnee, 1839 Shawnee treaty not ratified
1840 Treaty with the Miami, 1840 Miami treaty ratified
1841 Treaty with the Sisseton, Wahpeton, and Wahpekute bands of Sioux, 1841 Sisseton, Wahpekuta, Wahpeton treaty not ratified, provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance, provide agriculture assistance, roads and highways
1841 Treaty with the Mdewakanton Bands of Eastern Sioux, 1841 Mdewakanton treaty not ratified
1842 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1842 Chippewa of the Mississippi, Chippewa of Lake Superior treaty hunting fishing gathering, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1842 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1842 Sac, Fox treaty provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, ratified
1842 Treaty with the Seneca, 1842 Seneka treaty ratified
1842 Treaty with the Wyandot, 1842 Wyandot treaty provide education assistance, promise to purchase, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1843 Agreement with the Delawares and Wyandot, 1843 Delaware, Wyandot agreement ratified
1845 Treaty with the Creeks and Seminole, 1845 Creek, Seminole treaty provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, ratified
1846 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1846 Cherokee treaty provide education assistance, ferries, ratified
1846 Treaty with the Comanche, Aionai, Anadarko, Caddo, etc., 1846 Comanche, Wichita, Waco, Kichai, Tonkawa, Hainai, Anadarko, Caddo, Tawakoni treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, crimes against Indian country, bad men, ratified
1846 Treaty with the Kansa Tribe, 1846 Kansa treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1846 Treaty with the Potawatomi Nation, 1846 Potawatomi, Chippewa, Ottawa treaty ratified
1846 Treaty with the Winnebago, 1846 Winnebago treaty hunting fishing gathering, provide education assistance, ratified
1846 Treaty with the Navajo, 1846 Navajo treaty not ratified
1847 Treaty with the Chippewa of the Mississippi and Lake Superior, 1847 Chippewa of the Mississippi, Chippewa of Lake Superior treaty provide education assistance, promise to hire, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1847 Treaty with the Pillager Band of Chippewa Indians, 1847 Chippewa, Pillager treaty ratified
1848 Treaty with the Menominee, 1848 Menominee treaty provide education assistance, ratified
1848 Treaty with the Pawnee - Grand, Loups, Republicans, etc., 1848 Pawnee, Grand Pawnee, Pawnee Loups, Pawnee Republicans, Pawnee Tappahs treaty ratified
1848 Treaty with the Stockbridge Tribe, 1848 Stockbridge treaty ratified
1848 Treaty with the Navajo, 1848 Navajo treaty not ratified
1848 Treaty with the tribes of the Big Lakes Region of California, 1848 treaty not ratified
1848 Treaty with the Zuni, 1848 Zuni treaty not ratified
1849 Treaty with the Navaho, 1849 Navajo treaty right of way, ratified
1849 Treaty with the Utah, 1849 Utah treaty right of way, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1849 Treaty with the mixed-bloods of the Eastern Sioux, 1849 Sisseton, Mdewakanton, Mdewakanton, Santee treaty not ratified
1850 Treaty with the Wyandot, 1850 Wyandot treaty ratified
1850 Treaty with the Santa Clara, Tesuque, Nambe, Santo Domingo, Jemez, San Filipe, Cochiti, Santa Ana, and Zia Pueblos, 1850 Zia, San Felipe, Santa Ana, San Ildefonso, Cochiti, Jemez, Santo Domingo, Tesuque, Santa Clara treaty not ratified
1850 Treaty with the Comanche, Caddo, Lipan Apache, Quapaw, Tawakoni, and Waco, 1850 Comanche, Caddo, Quapaw, Tawakoni, Waco, Little Osage, Lipan Apache treaty crimes against Indian country, not ratified
1851 Treaty with the Sioux-Sisseton and Wahpeton Bands, 1851 Sioux, Sisseton, Wahpeton treaty provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, ratified
1851 Treaty with the Sioux-Mdewakanton and Wahpakoota Bands, 1851 Sioux, Mdewakanton, Wahpekuta treaty provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, ratified
1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie with Sioux, etc., 1851 Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Crow, Assiniboine, Arikara treaty roads and highways, right of way, hunting fishing gathering, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1851 Treaty with the Si-yan-te, etc. 1851 Si-yan-te, Po-to-yun-te, Co-co-noon, Apang-as-se, Aplache, A-wal-a-che treaty not ratified, hunting fishing gathering, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, crimes against Indian country
1851 Treaty with the Taches, Cah-wai, etc., 1851 Taches, Cah-wia, Yo-kol, Ta-lum-ne, Wic-chum-ne, Hol-cu-ma, To-e-neche, To-huc-mach, In-tim-peach, Choi-nuck, We-mil-ches, Mo-ton-toes treaty not ratified, hunting fishing gathering, crimes against Indian country, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, right of way
1851 Treaty with the Howechees, etc., 1851 How-ech-ees, Chook-chances, Chow-chil-lies, Po-ho-nu-chus, Nook-choos, Pit-cat-chees, Cas-sons, Toom-nas, Tallin-chees, Pos-kesas, Wa-cha-et, Itachees, Cho-e-mem-nees, Cho-ki-men-as, We-mil-ches, No-tono-tos treaty not ratified, crimes against Indian country, right of way, hunting fishing gathering, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance
1851 Treaty with the Lou-ol-umnes, We-chillas, etc., 1851 We-chilla, Sucaah, Co-to-plammis, Chap-pa-sims, Sage-wom-nes, Lou-ol-umne treaty not ratified, right of way, crimes against Indian country, ferries, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance
1851 Treaty with the Ko-ya-te, Wo-a-si. etc., 1851 Ko-ya-tes, Wo-la-si, Nu-chow-we, Wach-sa-che, Pal-wisha, Po-ken-welle, Ya-wil-chine treaty not ratified, crimes against Indian country, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance
1851 Treaty with the Chu-nute, Wo-wol, etc., 1851 Chu-nute, Wo-wol, Yo-lum-ne, Co-ye-tie treaty not ratified, right of way, crimes against Indian country, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance
1851 Treaty with the Castake, Texon, etc., 1851 Castake, Texon, Sam Imirio, Uvas, Carises, Buena Vista, Senahu-ow, Holo-cla-me, Soho-nuts, To-ci-a, Hol-mi-uh treaty not ratified, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance
1851 Treaty with the Das-pia, Ya-ma-do, etc., 1851 Das-pia, Ya-ma-do, Yo-la-mer, Wai-de-pa-can, On-o-po-ma, Mon-e-da, Wahpekute, Wan-muck, Nem-shaw, Bem-pi, Ya-cum-na treaty right of way, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, not ratified
1851 Treaty with the Mi-chop-da, Es-kuin, etc., 1851 Mi-chop-da, Es-kuin, Ho-lo-lu-pi, To-ci-a, Su-nus, Che-no, Bat-si, Yut-duc, Sim-sa-wa, To-to treaty not ratified, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance
1851 Treaty with the Noe-ma, etc., 1851 No-ma-noe-ma, Y-lac-ca, Noi-me-noi-me treaty not ratified, right of way, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance
1851 Treaty with the Ca-la-na-po, etc., 1851 Ca-la-na-po, Hol-cu-ma, Da-no-ha-bo, Mon-e-da, Che-com, Howku-ma, Cha-nel-kai, Me-dam-a-dec treaty not ratified, crimes against Indian country, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, hunting fishing gathering
1851 Treaty with the Sai-nell, Yu-ki-as, etc., 1851 Sai-nell, Yu-ki-as, Mas-su-ta-ka-ya, Po-mo treaty not ratified, crimes against Indian country, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance
1851 Treaty with the Colus, Willays, etc. 1851 Co-ha-na, Tat-nah, Cha-doc-duc, Cham-net-co, Toc-de, Willays, Colus treaty not ratified, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance
1851 Treaty with the Cu-lu, Yas-si, etc., 1851 Co-lu, Yas-si, Loc-lum-ne, Wo-pum-nes treaty not ratified, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance
1851 Treaty with the Pohlik or Lower Klamath, etc., 1851 Upper Klamath, Lower Klamath, Poh-lik, Peh-tsick, Hoo-pah, Trinity River Indians treaty not ratified, crimes against Indian country, right of way, provide agriculture assistance
1851 Treaty with the Upper Klamath, Shasta and Scott's River, 1851 O-de-i-lah, I-ka-ruck, Ko-se-tah, I-da-kar-i-waka-ha, Wat-sa-he-wa, E-eh, Upper Klamath treaty not ratified, crimes against Indian country, mining and mineral rights, right of way, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance
1851 Treaty with the Clatsop, 1851 Clatsop treaty not ratified - considered valid, right of way
1851 Treaty with the Naalem Band of the Tillamook, 1851 Naalem Band of Tillamook treaty not ratified - considered valid, right of way
1851 Treaty with the Lower Band of the Tillamook, 1851 Lower Band of Tillamook treaty not ratified - considered valid, hunting fishing gathering
1851 Treaty with the Nue-Quee-Clah-We-Muck, 1851 Nuc-quee-clah-we-muck treaty not ratified - considered valid
1851 Treaty with the Waukikum Band of the Chinook, 1851 Waukikum Band of Chinook treaty not ratified - considered valid, hunting fishing gathering
1851 Treaty with the Kathlamet Band of Chinook, 1851 Kathlamet Band of Chinook treaty not ratified - considered valid
1851 Treaty with the Lower Band of the Chinook, 1851 Lower Band of Chinook treaty not ratified - considered valid
1851 Treaty with the Wheelappa Band of the Chinook, 1851 Wheelappa Band of Chinook treaty not ratified - considered valid
1851 Treaty with the Apache of Rio Del Norte, 1851 Apache treaty not ratified
1851 Treaty with the Twalaty Band of Kalapuya, 1851 Kalapuya treaty not ratified, right of way, roads and highways
1851 Treaty with the Yamhill Band of Kalapuya, 1851 Kalapuya treaty not ratified
1851 Treaty with the principal Band of Molale, 1851 Molale treaty not ratified
1851 Treaty with the Santiam Band of Molale, 1851 Molale treaty not ratified
1851 Treaty with the Rogue River Indians, 1851 Rogue River treaty not ratified
1851 Treaty with the Konnaack Band of the Chinook, 1851 Chinook treaty
1851 Treaty with the Klatskania Band of Chinook, 1851 Chinook treaty not ratified
1851 Treaty with the To-to-tan, You-quee-chae, and Qua-ton-wah, 1851 To-to-tan, You-quee-chae, Qua-ton-wah treaty not ratified, right of way, crimes against Indian country
1851 Treaty with the Ya-su-chah, 1851 Ya-su-chah treaty not ratified, right of way
1851 Treaty with the Comanche, Lipan Apache, and Mescalero Apache, 1851 Comanche, Lipan Apache treaty not ratified
1851 Treaty with the Clackamas, 1851 Clackamas treaty not ratified, hunting fishing gathering, roads and highways, right of way
1851 Treaty with the Pembina and Red Lake Chippewa, 1851 Pembina, Red Lake, Chippewa treaty not ratified
1851 Treaty with the Si-wah, Op-pe-o, He-ko-neck, and In-neck, 1851 Si-wah, Op-pe-o, He-ko-neck, In-neck treaty not ratified
1852 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1852 Chickasaw treaty ratified
1852 Treaty with the Apache, 1852 Apache ratified
1852 Treaty with the San Louis Rey, etc., 1852 San Louis Rey, Kah-we-as, Co-comcah-ras treaty not ratified, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, right of way
1852 Treaty with the Dieguino, 1852 Dieguino treaty not ratified, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance
1853 Treaty with the Comanche, Kiowa, and Apache, 1853 Comanche, Kiowa, Apache treaty roads and highways, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1853 Treaty with the Rogue River, 1853 Rogue River treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1853 Agreement with the Rogue River, 1853 Rogue River agreement not ratified, hunting fishing gathering
1853 Treaty with the Umpqua-Cow Creek Band, 1853 Umpqua, Cow Creek treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1853 Treaty with the Rio Mimbres and Rio Gila Apache, 1853 Rio Mimbres, Rio Gila Apache treaty not ratified
1853 Treaty with the Winnebago, 1853 Winnebago treaty not ratified, right of way, railroads
1854 Treaty with the Creeks, 1854 Creek treaty ratified
1854 Treaty with the Chasta, etc., 1854 Umpqua, Shasta, Scoton, Grave Creek treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, ratified
1854 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1854 Chippewa, Chippewa of the Mississippi, Chippewa of Lake Superior treaty railroads, roads and highways, provide agriculture assistance, mining and mineral rights, provide education assistance, right of way, ratified
1854 Treaty with the Choctaw and Chickasaw, 1854 Choctaw, Chickasaw treaty ratified
1854 Treaty with the Confederated Oto and Missouri, 1854 Ottoe, Missouri treaty ratified
1854 Treaty with the Delawares, 1854 Delaware treaty railroads, roads and highways, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, right of way, ratified
1854 Treaty with the Iowa, 1854 Iowa treaty railroads, roads and highways, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, right of way, ratified
1854 Treaty with the Kaskaskia, Peoria, etc., 1854 Kaskaskia, Peoria, Piankishaw, Wea treaty railroads, roads and highways, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, right of way, ratified
1854 Treaty with the Kickapoo, 1854 Kickapoo treaty railroads, roads and highways, right of way, provide education assistance, ratified
1854 Treaty with the Menominee, 1854 Menominee treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1854 Treaty with the Miami, 1854 Miami treaty railroads, roads and highways, right of way, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1854 Treaty with the Nisqualli, Puyallup, etc., 1854 treaty roads and highways, provide education assistance, hunting fishing gathering, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, ratified
1854 Treaty with the Omaha, 1854 Omaha treaty railroads, roads and highways, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1854 Treaty with the Oto and Missouri, 1854 Ottoe, Missouri treaty roads and highways, right of way, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1854 Treaty with the Rogue River, 1854 Rogue River treaty railroads, roads and highways, right of way, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, ratified
1854 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes of Missouri, 1854 Sac and Fox of Missouri treaty railroads, roads and highways, provide agriculture assistance, right of way, ratified
1854 Treaty with the Shawnee, 1854 Shawnee treaty railroads, roads and highways, provide education assistance, right of way, ratified
1854 Treaty with the Umpqua and Kalapuya, 1854 Kalapuya, Umpqua treaty railroads, roads and highways, right of way, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1854 Treaty with the Omaha, 1854 Omaha treaty not ratified, provide agriculture assistance
1854 Treaty with the Otoe and Missouria, 1854 Missouri, Otoe treaty not ratified, provide agriculture assistance
1854 Treaty with the Tualatin Band of Kalapuya, 1854 Kalapuya treaty not ratified, provide agriculture assistance
1854 Treaty with the Quapaw, 1854 Quapaw treaty not ratified, right of way, roads and highways, railroads
1854 Agreement with the Seneca and Shawnee, 1854 Seneca, Shawnee agreement not ratified, right of way, roads and highways, railroads
1854 Treaty with the Christian Indians, 1856 Munsee treaty not ratified
1855 Treaty with the Blackfeet, 1855 Piegan, Blood, Blackfeet, Gros Ventre, Flathead, Upper Pend d’Oreilles, Kootenai, Nez Percé treaty roads and highways, telegraph lines, hunting fishing gathering, right of way, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1855 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1855 Chippewa, Chippewa of Lake Winnibigoshish, Chippewa of the Mississippi, Pillager treaty roads and highways, promise to hire, provide education assistance, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1855 Treaty with the Chippewa of Saginaw, etc., 1855 Chippewa of Saginaw, Chippewa of Swan Creek, Chippewa of Black River treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1855 Treaty with the Choctaw and Chickasaw, 1855 Choctaw, Chickasaw treaty mail routes and roads, railroads, telegraph lines, right of way, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1855 Treaty with the Dwamish, Suquamish, etc., 1855 Dwamish, Suquamish, Sk-tahlmish, Sammamish, Smalhkamish, Skopeáhmish, Snoqualmie, Sktahlejum, Shohomish, Skagit treaty roads and highways, hunting fishing gathering, right of way, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1855 Treaty with the Flatheads, etc., 1855 Flathead, Kootenai treaty roads and highways, hunting fishing gathering, provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1855 Treaty with the Kalapuya, etc., 1855 Molala, Kalapuya, Mohawk, Chapen, Clackamas, Willamette Tumwater, Santam treaty railroads, roads and highways, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, ratified
1855 Treaty with the Makah, 1855 Makah treaty roads and highways, hunting fishing gathering, provide education assistance, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, ratified
1855 Treaty with the Molala, 1855 Molala, Umpqua, Kalapuya treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1855 Treaty with the Nez Perces, 1855 Nez Percé treaty roads and highways, right of way, hunting fishing gathering, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance, ratified
1855 Treaty with the Ottawa and Chippewa, 1855 Ottawa, Chippewa treaty hunting fishing gathering, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1855 Treaty with the Quinaielt, etc., 1855 Quinault, Quileute treaty roads and highways, hunting fishing gathering, provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1855 Treaty with the Chippewa of Sault Ste. Marie, 1855 Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa treaty hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1855 Treaty with the S'klallam, 1855 S'klallam treaty roads and highways, hunting fishing gathering, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, right of way, provide healthcare assistance, ratified
1855 Treaty with the Tribes of Middle Oregon, 1855 Middle Oregon, Wasco, Lower Deschutes, Upper Deschutes, Tenino, Dog River Wasco treaty railroads, roads and highways, hunting fishing gathering, provide agriculture assistance, right of way, provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance, ratified
1855 Treaty with the Wallawalla, Cayuse, etc., 1855 Walla Walla, Cayuse, Umatilla treaty railroads, roads and highways, hunting fishing gathering, provide education assistance, right of way, provide healthcare assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1855 Treaty with the Wyandot, 1855 Wyandot treaty ferries, provide education assistance, ratified
1855 Treaty with the Yakima, 1855 Yakama treaty roads and highways, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance, ratified
1855 Treaty with the Winnebago, 1855 Winnebago treaty roads and highways, provide education assistance, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1855 Treaty with the Mimbres Bands of Gila Apache, 1855 treaty not ratified, provide agriculture assistance
1855 Treaty with the Mescalero Apache, 1855 Mescalero Apache treaty not ratified, mining and mineral rights, roads and highways, right of way, railroads
1855 Treaty with the Navajo, 1855 Navajo treaty not ratified, right of way, roads and highways, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance
1855 Treaty with the Shoshone, 1855 Shoshone treaty not ratified
1855 Treaty with the Capote Band of Ute, 1855 Capote, Ute treaty not ratified, mining and mineral rights, right of way, roads and highways, railroads
1855 Treaty with the Indians along the coast of Oregon, 1855 Tillamook, Umpqua, Kowes Bay, Sin-slau, Umpqua, Quans-sake-nah, Chitco Tribe, Coquille, Ke-ah-mas-e-ton, Klen-nah-hah treaty not ratified, right of way, roads and highways, railroads, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance
1855 Treaty with the Mohuache Band of Ute, 1855 Mohuache treaty not ratified, mining and mineral rights, right of way, railroads, roads and highways, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance
1855 Treaty with the Jicarilla Apache, 1855 Jicarilla Apache treaty not ratified, roads and highways, right of way, railroads, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance
1855 Treaty with the Stockbridge, with supplemental agreement with the Munsee, 1855 Stockbridge, Munsee agreement | treaty not ratified
1856 Treaty with the Creeks, etc., 1856 Creek, Seminole treaty railroads, telegraph lines, provide education assistance, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1856 Treaty with the Menominee, 1856 Menominee treaty roads and highways, right of way, ratified
1856 Treaty with the Stockbridge and Munsee, 1856 Stockbridge, Munsee treaty roads and highways, provide education assistance, right of way, ratified
1856 Agreement with the Sioux, 1856 Two Kettle, Lower Yanktons, Oncpapas, Sans Arc, Yankton, Brules of the Platte agreement not ratified - considered valid
1856 Treaty with the Bois Fort Bands of Chippewa, 1856 Bois Forte, Chippewa treaty not ratified, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, hunting fishing gathering
1857 Treaty with the Pawnee, 1857 Pawnee, Grand Pawnee, Pawnee Republicans, Pawnee Loups, Pawnee Tappahs treaty provide education assistance, roads and highways, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1857 Treaty with the Seneca, Tonawanda Band, 1857 Seneka, Tonawanda treaty ratified
1858 Treaty with the Ponca, 1858 Ponca treaty roads and highways, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1858 Treaty with the Sioux, 1858 Sioux, Wahpekute, Mdewakanton treaty roads and highways, provide agriculture assistance, right of way, ratified
1858 Treaty with the Sioux, 1858 Sioux, Sisseton, Wahpeton treaty roads and highways, provide agriculture assistance, right of way, provide education assistance, ratified
1858 Treaty with the Yankton Sioux, 1858 Sioux, Yankton treaty roads and highways, right of way, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1858 Treaty with the Nez Perce, 1858 Nez Percé treaty not ratified
1858 Treaty with the Coeur D'Alene, 1858 Coeur D'Alene treaty not ratified
1858 Treaty with the Spokane, 1858 Spokane treaty not ratified
1858 Treaty with the Navajo, 1858 Navajo treaty not ratified
1858 Terms of Armistice, 1858 Navajo treaty not ratified
1859 Treaty with the Chippewa, etc., 1859 Chippewa, Chippewa of Black River, Chippewa of Swan Creek, Munsee, Christian treaty roads and highways, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, right of way, ratified
1859 Treaty with the Kansa, 1859 Kansa treaty roads and highways, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, railroads, right of way, ratified
1859 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1859 Sac and Fox of Mississippi treaty railroads, roads and highways, provide education assistance, right of way, ratified
1859 Treaty with the Winnebago, 1859 Winnebago treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1859 Treaty with the Sioux, Arapaho, and Cheyenne, 1859 Sioux, Arapaho, Cheyenne treaty not ratified, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, provide education assistance
1860 Treaty with the Delawares, 1860 Delaware treaty railroads, roads and highways, right of way, ratified
1860 Agreement with the Delaware in Kansas, 1860 Delaware agreement not ratified
1860 Agreement with the Kaskaskia, Peoria, Piankeshaw, and Wea, 1860 Kaskaskia, Peoria, Piankishaw, Wea agreement not ratified
1861 Treaty with the Arapaho and Cheyenne, 1861 Arapaho, Cheyenne roads and highways, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, right of way, ratified
1861 Treaty with the Delawares, 1861 Delaware treaty railroads, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1861 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1861 Potawatomi treaty railroads, right of way, provide education assistance, promise to purchase, provide healthcare assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1861 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, etc., 1861 Sac and Fox of Missouri, Iowa treaty bridges and tolls, provide education assistance, ratified
1861 Treaty with the Navajo, 1861 Navajo treaty not ratified, bad men
1861 Treaty with the Nez Perce, 1861 Nez Percé treaty not ratified
1861 Armistice with the Comanche, 1861 Comanche other not ratified
1861 Executive Order: Uintah Valley Reserve Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1865 executive order
1862 Treaty with the Kansa Indians, 1862 Kansa treaty ratified
1862 Treaty with the Kickapoo, 1862 Kickapoo treaty railroads, right of way, ratified
1862 Treaty with the Ottawa of Blanchard's Fork and Roche de Boeuf, 1862 Ottawa, Ottawa of Blanchard's Fork, Ottawa of Roche de Boeuf treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1862 Treaty with the Shawnee, 1862 Shawnee treaty not ratified, provide education assistance
1862 Treaty with the Hoopa, 1862 Hupa treaty not ratified
1862 Agreement with the Sauk and Fox of the Mississippi, 1862 Sac and Fox of Mississippi agreement not ratified, railroads, provide healthcare assistance, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance
1863 Treaty with the Chippewa of the Mississippi and the Pillager and Lake Winnibigoshish Bands, 1863 Chippewa of Lake Winnibigoshish, Pillager, Chippewa of the Mississippi, Chippewa treaty roads and highways, promise to hire, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1863 Treaty with the Chippewa-Red Lake and Pembina Bands, 1863 Chippewa, Red Lake, Pembina treaty roads and highways, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1863 Treaty with the Nez Perces, 1863 Nez Percé treaty roads and highways, fountains and springs, provide education assistance, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1863 Treaty with the Eastern Shoshoni, 1863 Shoshoni, Eastern Shoshoni treaty railroads, telegraph lines, ferries, roads and highways, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, mining and mineral rights, hunting fishing gathering, crimes against Indian country, bad men, ratified
1863 Treaty with the Shoshoni-Northwestern Bands, 1863 Shoshoni, Northwestern Shoshoni treaty ratified
1863 Treaty with the Western Shoshoni, 1863 Shoshoni, Western Shoshoni treaty railroads, telegraph lines, mining and mineral rights, mail routes and roads, right of way, roads and highways, hunting fishing gathering, crimes against Indian country, bad men, ratified
1863 Treaty with the Shoshoni-Goship, 1863 Shoshoni, Goship treaty railroads, telegraph lines, mining and mineral rights, right of way, mail routes and roads, roads and highways, provide agriculture assistance, hunting fishing gathering, crimes against Indian country, bad men, ratified
1863 Treaty with the Utah-Tabeguache Band, 1863 Utah, Tabeguache treaty railroads, roads and highways, provide agriculture assistance, mining and mineral rights, hunting fishing gathering, mail routes and roads, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1863 Treaty with the Shawnee, 1863 Shawnee treaty not ratified, right of way
1863 Agreement with the Arapaho and Cheyenne, 1863 Arapaho, Cheyenne agreement not ratified
1863 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1863 Potawatomi treaty not ratified, railroads
1863 Treaty with the Comanche, Kiowa, and Apache, 1863 Comanche, Kiowa, Apache treaty not ratified, mail routes and roads, right of way
1863 Treaty with the New York Indians in Kansas, 1863 Oneida, Seneca, St. Regis Indians, Onondaga, Cayuga, Tuscarora, Stockbridge, Tonawanda treaty not ratified
1863 Treaty with the Great and Little Osage, 1863 Great Osage, Little Osage treaty not ratified, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, provide education assistance, roads and highways, right of way, railroads
1863 Treaty with the Sauk and Fox of the Mississippi, 1863 Sac, Fox, Sac and Fox of the Mississippi treaty not ratified, provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance
1863 Treaty with the mixed bands of Bannock and Shoshone, 1863 Bannock, Shoshone treaty not ratified
1863 Treaty with the Creek, 1863 Creek treaty not ratified
1864 Treaty with the Chippewa - Red Lake and Pembina Bands, 1864 Chippewa, Red Lake, Pembina treaty provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1864 Treaty with the Chippewa, Mississippi, and Pillager and Lake Winnibigoshish Bands, 1864 Chippewa, Chippewa of the Mississippi, Pillager, Chippewa of Lake Winnibigoshish treaty roads and highways, bridges and tolls, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, ratified
1864 Treaty with the Chippewa of Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black River, 1864 Chippewa, Chippewa of Saginaw, Chippewa of Black River, Chippewa of Swan Creek treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1864 Treaty with the Klamath, etc., 1864 Klamath, Modoc, Yahooskin, Snake treaty railroads, roads and highways, hunting fishing gathering, right of way, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, ratified
1864 Treaty with the Hupa, South Fork, Redwood, and Grouse Creek Indians, 1864 Hupa, South Fork, Redwood, Grouse Creek treaty not ratified - considered valid, provide healthcare assistance, provide agriculture assistance
1864 Treaty with the Shoshone, 1864 Northwestern Shoshoni treaty not ratified, hunting fishing gathering
1864 Agreement with the Modoc, 1864 Modoc agreement not ratified, right of way, ferries
1864 Treaty with the Shawnee, 1864 Shawnee treaty not ratified, provide education assistance, roads and highways, right of way
1864 Agreement with the Kansa, 1864 Kansa agreement not ratified, provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance
1864 Agreement with the Delaware, 1864 Delaware agreement not ratified, railroads
1864 Executive Order: Little Traverse Reserve Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1865 executive order
1864 Executive Order: Bosque Redondo Reserve Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1865 executive order
1865 Treaty with the Apache, Cheyenne, and Arapaho, 1865 Apache, Cheyenne, Arapaho treaty ratified
1865 Treaty with the Blackfeet Sioux, 1865 Sioux, Blackfeet treaty roads and highways, ratified
1865 Treaty with the Comanche and Kiowa, 1865 Comanche, Kiowa treaty roads and highways, right of way, hunting fishing gathering, crimes against Indian country, ratified
1865 Treaty with the Middle Oregon Tribes, 1865 Middle Oregon treaty provide agriculture assistance, hunting fishing gathering, ratified
1865 Treaty with the Omaha, 1865 Omaha treaty provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, ratified
1865 Treaty with the Osage, 1865 Great Osage, Little Osage treaty railroads, roads and highways, provide education assistance, right of way, provide healthcare assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1865 Treaty with the Ponca, 1865 Ponca treaty ratified
1865 Treaty with the Sioux-Miniconjou Band, 1865 Sioux, Miniconjou treaty roads and highways, ratified
1865 Treaty with the Sioux-Lower Brule Band, 1865 Sioux, Lower Brulé treaty roads and highways, right of way, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1865 Treaty with the Sioux-Two-Kettle Band, 1865 Sioux, Two Kettle treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1865 Treaty with the Sioux-Sans Arc Band, 1865 Sioux, Sans Arc treaty roads and highways, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1865 Treaty with the Sioux-Hunkpapa Band, 1865 Sioux, Hunkpapa Sioux treaty roads and highways, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1865 Treaty with the Sioux-Yanktonai Band, 1865 Sioux, Yanktonai treaty roads and highways, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1865 Treaty with the Sioux-Upper Yanktonai Band, 1865 Sioux, Upper Yanktonai treaty roads and highways, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1865 Treaty with the Sioux-Oglala Band, 1865 Sioux, Oglala treaty roads and highways, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1865 Treaty with the Snake, 1865 Snake, Woll-pah-pe treaty provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance, ratified
1865 Treaty with the Cheyenne and Arapaho, 1865 Cheyenne, Arapaho treaty roads and highways, hunting fishing gathering, right of way, ratified
1865 Agreement with the Cherokee and Other Tribes in the Indian Territory, 1865 Creek, Seminole, Shawnee, Wyandot, Choctaw agreement not ratified
1865 Treaty with the Winnebago, 1865 Winnebago treaty provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, ratified
1865 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1865 Choctaw treaty not ratified
1865 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1865 Cherokee treaty not ratified
1865 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1865 Chickasaw treaty not ratified
1865 Treaty with the Weber band of Ute, 1865 Ute treaty not ratified
1865 Treaty with the Southern Paiute, 1865 Paiute treaty not ratified
1865 Treaty with the Blackfeet and Gros Ventre, 1865 Blackfeet, Gros Ventre, Piegan, Blood treaty not ratified, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance
1865 Agreement with the Apache, Comanche, Kiowa, and Arapaho, 1865 Apache, Comanche, Kiowa, Arapaho agreement not ratified
1865 Agreement with the Arapaho and Cheyenne, 1865 Arapaho, Cheyenne agreement not ratified
1865 Treaty with the Ute, 1865 Ute treaty not ratified, hunting fishing gathering, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, telegraph lines, roads and highways, right of way
1866 Treaty with the Seminole, 1866 Seminole treaty railroads, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, right of way, ratified
1866 Treaty with the Chippewa-Bois Fort Band, 1866 Chippewa, Bois Forte treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1866 Treaty with the Choctaw and Chickasaw, 1866 Choctaw, Chickasaw treaty railroads, provide agriculture assistance, right of way, roads and highways, promise to hire, provide education assistance, ratified
1866 Treaty with the Creeks, 1866 Creek treaty railroads, right of way, provide education assistance, crimes against Indian country, ratified
1866 Treaty with the Delawares, 1866 Delaware treaty railroads, right of way, ratified
1866 Agreement at Fort Berthold, 1866 Arikara, Gros Ventre, Mandan agreement not ratified
1866 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1866 Potawatomi treaty ratified
1866 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1866 Cherokee treaty railroads, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, crimes against Indian country, ratified
1866 Treaty with the Shoshone, 1866 Shoshone treaty not ratified, right of way, hunting fishing gathering, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, provide education assistance
1866 Treaty with the Brule and Oglala Sioux, 1866 Lower Brulé, Oglala, Cheyenne treaty not ratified, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance
1866 Treaty with the Cheyenne, 1866 Cheyenne treaty not ratified, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance
1866 Treaty with the Crow, 1866 Crow treaty not ratified, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance
1866 Treaty with the Assiniboine, 1866 Assiniboine treaty not ratified, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance
1866 Treaty with the Tonto, Pinal, Sierra Mescal, and Aravipa Bands of Apache, 1866 Aravipa, Sierra Mescal, Tonto, Pinal treaty not ratified, hunting fishing gathering
1866 Treaty with the Shawnee, 1866 Shawnee treaty not ratified, right of way, railroads, roads and highways
1866 Treaty with the Uintah and Yampa bands of Ute, 1866 Uintah, Yampa, Grand River treaty not ratified, right of way, roads and highways
1866 Executive Order: Shoalwater Reserve Andrew Johnson, 1865-1869 executive order
1866 Executive Order: Niobrara Reserve Andrew Johnson, 1865-1869 executive order
1867 Treaty with the Chippewa of the Mississippi, 1867 Chippewa of the Mississippi treaty provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance, provide agriculture assistance, crimes against Indian country, ratified
1867 Treaty with the Kiowa and Comanche, 1867 Kiowa, Comanche treaty mail routes and roads, railroads, roads and highways, promise to hire, provide education assistance, hunting fishing gathering, right of way, provide healthcare assistance, provide agriculture assistance, bad men, crimes against Indian country, ratified
1867 Treaty with the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache, 1867 Kiowa, Comanche, Apache treaty provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1867 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1867 Potawatomi treaty railroads, provide education assistance, ratified
1867 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1867 Sauk and Fox treaty provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance, ratified
1867 Treaty with the Seneca, Mixed Seneca and Shawnee, Quapaw, etc., 1867 Seneka, Mixed Seneka, Shawnee, Quapaw, Peoria, Kaskaskia, Piankishaw, Wea, Miami, Ottawa of Blanchard's Fork treaty provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1867 Treaty with the Sioux-Sisseton and Wahpeton Bands, 1867 Sioux, Sisseton, Wahpeton treaty mail routes and roads, railroads, roads and highways, telegraph lines, right of way, hunting fishing gathering, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, ratified
1867 Treaty with the Cheyenne and Arapaho, 1867 Cheyenne, Arapaho treaty mail routes and roads, railroads, roads and highways, provide education assistance, hunting fishing gathering, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, crimes against Indian country, bad men, ratified
1867 Treaty with the Bannock, 1867 Bannock treaty not ratified
1867 Treaty with the Kansa, 1867 Kansa treaty not ratified, provide healthcare assistance, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance
1867 Treaty with the Stockbridge and Munsee in Wisconsin, 1867 Stockbridge, Munsee treaty not ratified
1867 Treaty with the Sauk and Fox of Missouri, 1867 Sac, Fox treaty not ratified
1867 Treaty with the Kickapoo, 1867 Kickapoo treaty not ratified
1867 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1867 Cherokee treaty not ratified, railroads
1867 Treaty with the Shawnee, 1867 Shawnee treaty not ratified
1868 Treaty with the Crows, 1868 Crow treaty provide education assistance, hunting fishing gathering, provide healthcare assistance, provide agriculture assistance, crimes against Indian country, bad men, ratified
1868 Treaty with the Navaho, 1868 Navajo treaty mail routes and roads, railroads, roads and highways, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, right of way, hunting fishing gathering, crimes against Indian country, bad men, ratified
1868 Treaty with the Nez Perces, 1868 Nez Percé treaty provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, ratified
1868 Treaty with the Northern Cheyenne and Northern Arapaho, 1868 Cheyenne, Arapaho treaty hunting fishing gathering, provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance, provide agriculture assistance, crimes against Indian country, bad men, ratified
1868 Treaty with the Eastern Band Shoshoni and Bannock, 1868 Shoshoni, Bannock, Eastern Shoshoni treaty hunting fishing gathering, provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance, provide agriculture assistance, crimes against Indian country, bad men, ratified
1868 Treaty with the Sioux-Brule, Oglala, Miniconjou, Yanktonai, Hunkpapa, Blackfeet, Cuthead, Two Kettle, Sans Arcs, and Santee-and Arapaho, 1868 Oglala, Brulé, Miniconjou, Yanktonai, Hunkpapa Sioux, Blackfeet, Cuthead, Two Kettle, Sans Arc, Santee, Arapaho, Sioux treaty mail routes and roads, railroads, roads and highways, provide education assistance, hunting fishing gathering, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, crimes against Indian country, bad men, ratified
1868 Treaty with the Ute, 1868 Ute, Tabeguache, Muache, Capote, Weeminuche, Yampa, Grand River, Uintah treaty railroads, roads and highways, provide education assistance, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, crimes against Indian country, bad men, ratified
1868 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1868 Cherokee treaty ratified
1868 Treaty with the Shoshone, 1868 Snake, Shoshone treaty not ratified
1868 Treaty with the Great and Little Osage, 1868 Little Osage, Great Osage treaty not ratified, railroads, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance
1868 Treaty with the Swan Creek and Black River Chippewa and the Munsee, 1868 Chippewa of Black River, Chippewa of Swan Creek, Munsee treaty not ratified
1868 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1868 Cherokee treaty not ratified
1868 Treaty with the Gros Ventre, 1868 Gros Ventre treaty not ratified, right of way, roads and highways, telegraph lines, provide healthcare assistance, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance
1868 Treaty with the River Crow, 1868 Crow treaty not ratified, provide healthcare assistance, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance
1868 Treaty with the Blackfeet, Blood, and Piegan, 1868 Blood, Piegan, Blackfeet treaty not ratified, roads and highways, right of way, telegraph lines, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance
1868 Treaty with the Creek, 1868 Creek treaty not ratified
1868 Treaty with the Shoshone, Bannock, and Sheepeater, 1868 Bannock, Shasta, Sheepeater, Shoshone treaty not ratified, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, provide education assistance
1868 Treaty with the New York Indians, 1868 Onondaga, Cayuga, St. Regis Indians, Tuscarora, Seneca treaty not ratified
1869 Treaty with the Iowa and the Sauk and Fox of Missouri, 1869 Iowa, Sac and Fox of Missouri treaty not ratified, railroads
1869 Treaty with the Otoe and Missouria, 1869 Ottoe, Missouria treaty not ratified, railroads, provide education assistance
1869 Treaty with the Miami, 1869 Miami treaty not ratified
1869 Treaty with the Kansa, 1869 Kansa treaty not ratified, railroads, provide healthcare assistance, provide agriculture assistance
1869 Executive Order: Niobrara Reserve Changes Ulysses S. Grant, 1869-1877 executive order
1869 Executive Order: June 3, 1869 Ulysses S. Grant, 1869-1877 executive order
1870 Act of July 15, 1870 Great Osage, Little Osage, Osage other not ratified - considered valid
1870 Executive Order: Fort Berthold Reserve Ulysses S. Grant, 1869-1877 executive order
1870 Executive Order: Mission Indian Reserves Ulysses S. Grant, 1869-1877 executive order
1871 Executive Order: Bitter Root Valley Reserve Ulysses S. Grant, 1869-1877 executive order
1871 Executive Order: Malheur Reserve Ulysses S. Grant, 1869-1877 executive order
1872 Agreement with the Sisseton and Wahpeton Bands of Sioux Indians, 1872 Sisseton, Wahpeton agreement provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, not ratified
1872 Convention with the Eastern Band of Shoshone, 1872 Eastern Shoshoni other not ratified - considered valid
1872 Agreement with the Flathead, 1872 agreement not ratified, hunting fishing gathering
1872 Agreement with the Wichita and affiliated tribes, 1872 Wichita agreement not ratified
1872 Agreement with the southern Arapaho, 1872 Arapaho agreement not ratified
1872 Executive Order: Makah Reserve Ulysses S. Grant, 1869-1877 executive order
1872 Executive Order: April 16, 1872 Ulysses S. Grant, 1869-1877 executive order
1873 Amended Agreement with Certain Sioux Indians, 1873 Sisseton, Wahpeton agreement provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, ratified
1873 Brunot Agreement, 1873 Capote, Tabeguache, Weeminuche, Yampa, Uintah, Makah, Grand River, Muache agreement not ratified - considered valid, hunting fishing gathering
1873 Convention with the Jicarilla Apache, 1873 Jicarilla Apache other railroads, right of way, roads and highways, not ratified - considered valid
1873 Agreement with the Coeur D'Alene, 1873 Coeur D'Alene agreement not ratified, right of way, roads and highways, provide education assistance
1873 Agreement with the Crow, 1873 Crow agreement not ratified, hunting fishing gathering
1873 Agreement with the Shoshone and Bannock, 1873 Bannock, Shoshone agreement not ratified, hunting fishing gathering, roads and highways
1873 Agreement with the Arapaho and Cheyenne, 1873 Arapaho, Cheyenne agreement not ratified
1873 Agreement with the southern Arapaho, 1873 Arapaho agreement not ratified
1873 Agreement with the southern Cheyenne, 1873 Cheyenne agreement not ratified, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance
1873 Executive Order: Establishing Blackfeet Reserve in Montana Ulysses S. Grant, 1869-1877 executive order
1873 Executive Order: Fort Stanton Indian Reserve Ulysses S. Grant, 1869-1877 executive order
1873 Executive Order: Establishment of Moapa River Reserve Ulysses S. Grant, 1869-1877 executive order
1873 Executive Order: Establishment of Tule River Reserve in California Ulysses S. Grant, 1869-1877 executive order
1874 Agreement with the Eastern Shawnee, 1874 Modoc, Eastern Shawnee agreement not ratified - considered valid
1874 Agreement with the Navajo, 1874 Navajo agreement not ratified
1875 Agreement by the Sioux to relinquish hunting privileges in Nebraska, 1875 Sioux agreement not ratified, hunting fishing gathering
1876 Agreement with the Sioux, Arapaho, and Northern Cheyenne, 1876 Cheyenne, Arapaho, Sioux agreement not ratified - considered valid, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, promise to purchase
1878 Agreement with the Capote, Muache, and Weeminuche bands of Ute, 1878 Capote, Muache, Weeminuche, Yampa, Grand River, Uintah, Tabeguache agreement not ratified - considered valid, right of way
1879 Agreement with the Tabeguache, Yampa, Grand River, and Uintah Ute, 1879 Uintah, Tabeguache, Yampa, Grand River agreement not ratified
1879 Agreement with the Chief Joseph Band of Nez Perces, 1879 Nez Percé agreement not ratified
1880 Agreement with the Crows, 1880 Crow agreement not ratified
1880 Agreement with the Confederated Bands of Ute, 1880 Ute agreement not ratified - considered valid, right of way, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance
1880 Agreement with the Crow, 1880 Crow agreement not ratified - considered valid, provide agriculture assistance
1880 Agreement with the Ponca, 1880 Ponca agreement not ratified
1880 Agreement with the Crow, 1880 Crow agreement not ratified, provide agriculture assistance
1880 Agreement with the Shoshone, Bannock, and Sheepeater, 1880 Bannock, Sheepeater, Shoshone agreement not ratified
1881 Agreement with the Creek, 1881 Creek agreement not ratified - considered valid, provide education assistance
1882 Agreement with the Sioux of Various Tribes, 1882-83 Sioux agreement not ratified
1882 Agreement with the Rosebud Sioux, 1882 Rosebud Sioux agreement not ratified
1883 Agreement with the Columbia and Colville, 1883 Columbia, Colville agreement ratified, provide agriculture assistance
1883 Agreement with various Sioux in Nebraska and Dakota, 1883 Sioux agreement not ratified
1885 Agreement with the Crow, 1885 Crow agreement not ratified, provide agriculture assistance
1886 Agreement with the Arikara, Hidatsa, and Mandan, 1886 Arikara, Gros Ventre, Mandan agreement not ratified - considered valid, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance, promise to hire
1886 Agreement with the Assiniboine, Blackfeet, Blood, Gros Ventre, Piegan, and Sioux, 1886, 1887 Assiniboine, Blackfeet, Blood, Gros Ventre, Piegan, Sioux agreement provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, promise to hire, provide healthcare assistance, not ratified - considered valid
1886 Agreement with the various bands of Chippewa in Minnesota, 1886 White Earth Band of Chippewa agreement not ratified, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, promise to hire, provide education assistance
1886 Agreement with the Red Lake Chippewa, 1886 Red Lake agreement not ratified, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, railroads, right of way, roads and highways
1887 Agreement with the Spokane, 1887 Spokane agreement not ratified - considered valid, provide agriculture assistance, promise to hire
1887 Agreement with the Coeur D'Alene, 1887 Coeur D'Alene agreement not ratified - considered valid, promise to hire, provide healthcare assistance, provide education assistance
1887 Agreement with the Lower Pend D'Oreille or Kalispel, 1887 Lower Pend D'Oreille, Kalispel agreement not ratified, provide agriculture assistance, promise to hire
1887 Agreement with the Flathead, Pend D'Oreille, and Kutenai, 1887 Flathead, Lower Pend D'Oreille, Kootenai agreement not ratified
1888 Agreement with the Weeminuche, Muache, and Capote bands of Ute, 1888 Weeminuche, Muache, Capote agreement not ratified - considered valid, right of way, hunting fishing gathering
1888 Agreement with the Sioux, 1888 Sioux agreement not ratified, railroads, provide education assistance, right of way, roads and highways, railroads
1889 Agreement with the Creek, 1889 Muscogee, Creek agreement not ratified - considered valid, provide education assistance
1889 Agreement with the Sioux, 1889 Sioux agreement not ratified - considered valid, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, right of way
1889 Agreement with the Coeur D'Alene, 1889 Coeur D'Alene agreement not ratified - considered valid
1889 Agreement with the Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux, 1889 Sisseton, Wahpeton agreement not ratified - considered valid, right of way
1890 Agreement with the Iowa, 1890 Iowa agreement not ratified - considered valid, provide agriculture assistance
1890 Agreement with the Sauk and Fox, 1890 Sac & Fox Nation agreement not ratified - considered valid
1890 Agreement with the Citizen Band of Potawatomi, 1890 Citizen Band of Potawatomi agreement not ratified - considered valid
1890 Agreement with the Absentee Shawnee, 1890 Absentee Shawnee agreement not ratified - considered valid
1890 Agreement with the Cheyenne and Arapaho, 1890 Cheyenne, Arapaho agreement not ratified - considered valid
1890 Agreement with the Crow, 1890 Crow agreement not ratified - considered valid, promise to hire, provide education assistance
1891 Agreement with the Indians of Colville Reservation, 1891 Colville agreement not ratified - considered valid, provide education assistance
1891 Agreement with the Wichita and affiliated bands, 1891 Wichita agreement not ratified - considered valid
1891 Agreement with the Kickapoo, 1891 Kickapoo agreement not ratified - considered valid
1891 Agreement with the Tonkawa, 1891 Tonkawa agreement not ratified - considered valid
1891 Agreement with the Cherokee, 1891 Cherokee agreement not ratified - considered valid
1891 Agreement with the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Sioux, 1891 Oglala, Rosebud Sioux agreement not ratified
1891 Agreement with the Arapaho and Shoshone, 1891 Arapaho, Shoshone agreement not ratified, provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, right of way
1891 Agreement with the Pyramid Lake Paiute, 1891 Pyramid Lake Paiute agreement not ratified
1892 Agreement with the Crow, 1892 Crow agreement promise to hire, not ratified - considered valid
1892 Agreement with the Turtle Mountain Chippewa, 1892 Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians agreement not ratified - considered valid
1892 Agreement with the Comanche, Kiowa, and Apache, 1892 Comanche, Kiowa, Apache agreement mining and mineral rights, not ratified - considered valid
1892 Agreement with the Indians of the Siletz reservation, 1892 Alsea, Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians agreement not ratified - considered valid
1892 Agreement with the Pawnee, 1892 Pawnee agreement not ratified - considered valid
1892 Agreement with the Yankton Sioux, 1892 Yankton agreement provide education assistance, not ratified - considered valid
1893 Agreement with the Nez Perce, 1893 Nez Percé agreement not ratified - considered valid
1893 Agreement with the Yuma, 1893 Quechan agreement provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, not ratified - considered valid
1894 Agreement with the Yakima, 1894 Yakama agreement hunting fishing gathering
1894 Agreement with the Coeur D'Alene, 1894 Coeur D'Alene agreement not ratified - considered valid
1895 Agreement with the Blackfeet, 1895 Blackfeet agreement hunting fishing gathering, provide agriculture assistance, provide education assistance, promise to hire, right of way, canals, railroads, roads and highways, telegraph lines, not ratified - considered valid
1895 Agreement with the Assiniboine, and Gros Ventre, 1895 Assiniboine, Gros Ventre agreement provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, provide healthcare assistance, not ratified - considered valid
1896 Agreement with the Apache, Mohave, and Yuma of San Carlos reservation, 1896 Apache, Yuma, Mohave agreement mining and mineral rights, not ratified - considered valid
1896 Agreement with the Shoshone and Arapaho, 1896 Arapaho, Shoshone agreement not ratified - considered valid
1896 Agreement with the Choctaw and Chickasaw, 1896 Choctaw, Chickasaw agreement not ratified, mining and mineral rights, provide education assistance
1897 Agreement with the Choctaw and Chickasaw, 1897 Choctaw, Chickasaw agreement mining and mineral rights, right of way, railroads, not ratified - considered valid
1897 Agreement with the Seminole, 1897 Seminole agreement mining and mineral rights, provide education assistance, not ratified - considered valid
1897 Agreement with the Creek, 1897 Creek agreement not ratified - considered valid
1898 Agreement with the Shoshone and Bannock, 1898 Bannock, Shoshone agreement hunting fishing gathering, right of way, not ratified - considered valid
1898 Agreement with the Lower Brule Sioux, 1898 Lower Brule Sioux agreement not ratified - considered valid
1898 Agreement with the Rosebud Sioux, 1898 Rosebud Sioux agreement not ratified - considered valid
1898 Agreement with the Uintah and White River Bands of Ute, 1898 Uintah agreement not ratified
1898 Agreement with the Northern Cheyenne, 1898 Cheyenne agreement not ratified
1898 Agreement with the Indians of the Klamath reservation, 1898 Klamath agreement not ratified
1898 Agreement with the Uintah and White River Ute, 1898 Uintah, Ute agreement not ratified
1899 Agreement with the Crow, 1899 Crow agreement promise to hire, not ratified - considered valid
1899 Agreement with the Crow, 1899 Crow agreement provide education assistance, provide healthcare assistance, promise to hire, not ratified - considered valid
1899 Agreement with the Seminole, 1899 Seminole agreement not ratified - considered valid
1899 Agreement with the Otoe and Missouria, 1899 Otoe, Missouria agreement not ratified - considered valid
1899 Agreement with the Yankton Sioux, 1899 Yankton, Sioux agreement not ratified
1899 Agreement with the Cherokee, 1899 Cherokee agreement not ratified, provide education assistance
1899 Agreement with the Creek, 1899 Creek agreement not ratified
1899 Agreement with the Choctaw and Chickasaw, 1899 Choctaw, Chickasaw agreement not ratified
1900 Agreement with the Creek, 1900 Creek agreement railroads, right of way, not ratified - considered valid
1900 Agreement with the Stockbridge and Munsee, 1900 Stockbridge, Munsee agreement
1900 Agreement with the Cherokee, 1900 Cherokee agreement not ratified, provide education assistance, promise to hire
1901 Agreement with the Klamath and Modoc, and the Yahooskin Band of Snake, 1901 Klamath, Modoc, Snake, Yahooskin agreement right of way, railroads, not ratified - considered valid
1901 Agreement with the Indians of Grande Ronde Reservation, 1901 Shasta, Kalapuya, Molala, Rogue River, Klamath, Chinook, Tillamook agreement not ratified - considered valid
1901 Agreement with the Rosebud Sioux, 1901 Rosebud Sioux agreement not ratified - considered valid
1901 Agreement with the Devils Lake Sioux, 1901 Sisseton, Wahpeton, Cuthead agreement not ratified - considered valid
1901 Agreement with the Choctaw and Chickasaw, 1901 Chickasaw, Choctaw agreement not ratified
1901 Agreement with the Choctaw and Chickasaw, 1901 Choctaw, Chickasaw agreement not ratified
1902 Agreement with the Red Lake and Pembina Chippewa, 1902 Pembina, Red Lake agreement not ratified - considered valid
1902 Agreement with the Choctaw and Chickasaw, 1902 Chickasaw, Choctaw agreement railroads, right of way, mining and mineral rights, fountains and springs, not ratified - considered valid
1902 Agreement with the Arikara, Hidatsa, and Mandan, 1902 Arikara, Mandan, Hidatsa agreement not ratified - considered valid
1902 Agreement with the Cherokee, 1902 Cherokee agreement roads and highways, right of way, promise to hire, provide education assistance, not ratified - considered valid
1902 Agreement with the Creek, 1902 Muscogee, Creek agreement right of way, roads and highways, not ratified - considered valid
1903 Agreement with the Ottawa, 1903 Ottawa agreement not ratified
1903 Agreement with the Rosebud, 1903 Rosebud Sioux agreement not ratified
1904 Agreement with the Shoshone and Arapahoe, 1904 Eastern Shoshoni, Northern Arapaho agreement promise to hire, provide education assistance, not ratified - considered valid
1904 Agreement with the Indians of Port Madison Reservation, 1904 Suquamish agreement not ratified - considered valid
1905 Agreement with the Indians of Colville Reservation, 1905 Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation agreement provide education assistance, provide agriculture assistance, not ratified - considered valid
1906 Agreement with the Umatilla, Walla Walla, and Cayuse, 1906 Umatilla, Walla Walla, Cayuse agreement right of way, bridges and tolls, not ratified - considered valid
1906 Agreement with the Walker River Paiute, 1906 Paiute agreement provide agriculture assistance, not ratified - considered valid
1907 Agreement with the Rosebud Sioux, 1907 Rosebud Sioux agreement not ratified - considered valid
1909 Agreement with the Oneida of Wisconsin, 1909 Oneida agreement not ratified - considered valid
1909 Agreement with the Sauk and Fox in Oklahoma, 1909 Sauk, Fox agreement not ratified - considered valid
1909 Agreement with the Potawatomi in Kansas and Wisconsin, 1909 Potawatomi agreement not ratified - considered valid
1909 Agreement with the Sauk and Fox in Iowa, 1909 Sauk, Fox agreement not ratified - considered valid
1909 Agreement with the Pawnee, 1909 Pawnee agreement not ratified - considered valid
1911 Agreement with the Wiminuche Band of Southern Ute, 1911 Weeminuche agreement not ratified - considered valid
1937 Executive Order 7716: Extension of Trust Periods on Indian Lands Expiring During Calendar Year 1938 Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1933-1945 executive order
1954 Agreement with the Cheyenne River Sioux, 1954 Cheyenne River Sioux agreement not ratified - considered valid